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   "Home sweet home!!! ",Jennie stretch out her hands. Seems like others are not here so she clean the dorm. "Gosh.. So bored.. Miss those girlsss.. Huhajabajabaj",she start to talk nonsense.
   Suddenly the door bell rang. She quickly ran towards the door and she the cctv before open it. "Taeyong? ",she opened the door and suprise when Taeyong is here. "Jennie! ",he greet her and Jennie still froze like she saw a ghost. "Yakk!! JENNIE.. gwenchanna? ",said Taeyong. "Uh.. An.. Aniya.. Ahaah.. So what are you doing.. Here?.. ",said Jennie and pull he in. "I'm just bored.. My others member still on their vaccay.. ",said Taeyong and rub his hair. Gosh.. He looks so damn hotttt!! Make all girls around the word crazy for him.
"S.. Same.. Hehe.. Well seems you were here.. I'm gonna cook something for you... ",she give a smile at him and went to the kitchen. "Damn!! What happens to me.. Nervous when see him?? I.. No no.. Aniyaaaa!! ",she mumbled. She was looking forsome ingredients to cook kimchi and ttaeboyakki .

  "Where is bowl putted ??..not here.. No... Aa.. Up there.. Gosh i'm to short for this.. Well a chair may help",she pull one of chair and try to take the bowl. She trying to reach the bowl but its to high.

  Suddenly she loose her balance and fall. She shouted and close her eyes. She feels someone carry her and open her eyes. "T-taeyong..",she mumbled. "Girl.. You must call me for this to help.. Not trying to hurt your self",he put Jennie down and take the bowl. "Thanks for that... ",said Jennie and cover her red face. "Are you blushing??.. Vecause of me??!! ",he laugh at Jennie. "Noo.. Why do I have to?!! ...ish. Get out from here!!",she slap taeyong's arm and laughed. "I wanna help",said Taeyong and the apron. "No.. Go in front!",said Jennie but Taeyong ignore her and start to cut the vegetables. Jennie just look at him.. "Well he dies have a skill to cook. What if he's mine.. ",Then she slap her face.
"JENNIE WHAT ARE YOU THINKINGGGGG!!!!!! ",and she starts to cook.

   "Hey! Be careful with that fire",said Taeyong. "I've done this before... Shut up",as she was putting all the ingredients in the pan. Taeyong go near her with her notice. Then feel likes someone looking at her and she turns back. "AAA!! ",she shouted and Taeyong cover her mouth and close the gas.

  "You.. Scare me!! ",Jennie punch his chest. "Well.. Kinda miss to make you scare",he smirked at Jennie. "W-WHAT? ",Jennie blur for a while ."you don't miss our moments being together right? ",Taeyong pull her closer and push her to the wall. "Moments?.. What kind of.. ",Jennie didn't finish her word and Taeyong kiss her. Jennie don't know what to do and she kiss him back. "Kissing are the best thing in my life.. Babe",said Taeyong as he whispers and her ears. "Really? Cause it's kinda bad to kiss me ",said Jennie. "Why?",said Taeyong and his voice changed. " You know why.. Cause you are a piece of me.. So will feel the same",Jennie smile and kiss him.

    Taeyong try to unbutton Jennie's T-shirt but Jennie push him. "Not here boy and not in this house to dangerous.. If manager catch us",said Jennie and pinch his cheeks. "Then I ask them to announce we're getting marry...",he laughs and Jennie push him a side.
      "I love you Jennie... ",and Jennie turns back and give a kiss on his forehead and yes she kinda short so Taeyong hold her waist to let her kiss.
"Love you tooo.. Taeniee!! ",said Jennie and smile.

   So they finish cooking.. It tooks a long time but it will be more short if they didn't do that things in the kitchen.. Man. "Yay!! It must be delicious because I'm the one who cook it",said Taeyong happily and Jennie was like 'go die.. I'm the one who it'. "Excuse me.. You're jist helping with cutting the vegetables and clean all the stuffs... So its gonna be me.. Sorry",said Jennie and push him away.Then Taeyong pull her.. "Dont you... If not i'll",Taeyong went near her lips. "Pabo.. Pabooo.. Ishh!!",and taeyong laugh at her. She looks cute when angry. Well uri Jennie, always looks cute. Right guys?!!

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