Chapter 6 - King Muchukunda

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In the first Yuga – the Satya Yuga, there lived a great king by name Muchukunda. He was brave and brilliant war strategist.

Indra, the Lord of the Devas frequently asked him to help against the fight with the asuras.

However one particular battle between the Devas and the Asuras stretched on and on for many years. Muchukunda was so caught up in the battle that he forgot everything else. Every day was just a bloody battle between the Devas and the Asuras and nothing more. King Muchukunda carried on the battle on his shoulders and the battle went on and on and on ....

Lord Indra came and spoke to him after the end of the battle. "Great King, you are the most brilliant strategist that I have seen. There has not been yet anyone like. Now that you have put the Asuras is the back foot, we will take it from here. I am sure you would want to lead a life without the stress of the battle and blood."

King Muchukunda tiredly nodded his head, "Yes my Lord! I myself was thinking the same thing. I was wondering how to tell you the same thing. I did not think it was right to live you in the middle of..." King Muchukunda gestured around him.

Lord Indra smiled, "Now we have Lord Kartikeyan [Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati's son] to lead us. He is our commander. So don't worry about us."

Muchukunda happily nodded his head. Faintly, he recollected his wife, his children and his family. He shook his head tired He really was very tired He could not even remember the faces of his loved ones ."Devendra! Now that you do not need my services, I think I should get back to my kingdom."

Lord Indra unhappily nodded his head, "Ah! That is where you have a problem. You see, the time in the realm of the Devas is different from the time on earth. A few years that you have spent here, eons and eons have passed on earth. The family you knew, the kingdom you had, all of them have gone. Nothing of them remains."

King Muchukunda looked blankly at Indra.

Indra gently told Muchukunda, "You are a great hero my friend! What you have done for us, is unmatched and you are a good man. Ask me for any boon and I will give it you my friend."

King Muchukunda was however too enlightened a soul to be bothered about the news of his family and kingdom He nodded his head. He realized that there was nothing in earth which would bind him and pull him back. He took a deep breath and also realized that he had seen enough battles, war and blood to last many lifetimes.

He tiredly looked at Indra and spoke, "Indra! I am tired, very tired and I have enough blood shed to last many life times I want to forget all about it I want to sleep I want to keep sleeping so that I forget all about the violent life I have led. So that is the boon I seek, I want to sleep. Nothing more."

Indra nodded his head when King Muchukunda spoke again, . "And if anybody should disturb my sleep, they should be burnt to ashes."

Indra nodded his head again and granted King Muchukunda the boon he wanted.

King Muchukunda entered a cave and slept. He slept, through the second and the third yuga.

And the third yuga was almost at an end...

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