Prolouge- Welcome to America!

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*Yeah I put a Prolouge, got a problem bro?*


     I sat in the tree. Watching her chest rise and fall as she slept. This was never suppost to happen. She rolled over faceing me, and she mumbled something. My heart raced as her eyes fluttered. I’m going to get caught, I thought even though I knew I’d get out of the way in time.

     I watched from my new position on the roof over her house as she flung open the window, and leaned out searching for me. She shook her head and dunk back in o shut the window. I landed softly on the tree while she took a seat on the sill, her back to me. Unlike last night, she was wearing a light pink tank-top, enhancing her sun-kissed skin, her auburn hair was damaged from a straightner, how I long to see it curly again.

      She put her face into her hands, probably swearing about how crazy she was.

     She had such a wonderful life, friends, family, and going to school. Tonight, no, a little more time.

     I’m Clay Murdock, a 17 year old agent from the U.S. military, and I am here to abduct, torture, and assinate the Ambassador’s daughter.

Three weeks ago


            “Pa?” I called stepping into the unfamiliar parlor, “Pa, Miss Crimsl-ey, wants to see you,” I mentally face-palmed myself for the absurd way my accent made her name.

            Pa looked up, and stood, “Bonnie,” he smiled. He was tall and now had white hair, different from when he had the same colored auburn hair like me. “She wants to see me? That means it’s time to come out for the speech.”

            My Father was the Scottish ambassador and we had just come to America as a peace type thing. Appearently, a fe threats had been passed, and now it was almost declared war. So my father and I went oversees to see that war isn’t broken out. We are very well aware of our value.

            “Oh, I knew that,” I said, and fingured the chafon on my dress. It came to on the upper half of my thighs, it was straples and a pure white, like a pigeon. Unlike what Americans call ‘gingers’ I am tan, and have no freckles. My hair was painfully straight, down to my waist. “Are you ready, Pa?”

            “Stop worring,” he kissed the tip of my noes, “it’ll be fine.”

            Miss Crimsly opened the door of the parlor, “We need to go, now,” she pointed to her watch. Pa and I nodded.

            We all hurried to the door, and when there we straightened up. We landed two days ago, and now is the official peace ceremony. President Obama was outside giving a speech about how now the U.S.A and Scottish where now at peace.

            The doormen opened the doors letting the D.C. air flood aginst me. Pa looped his arm through mine and we walked out, smiles on our faces. Flashes of cameras blinded me. “Your famous Bonnie,” Pa murmered. He’s right, I’m famous.

            “Hello, and welcome to our country,” Michelle Obama shook Pa’s hand. Her eyes locked with mine and her face broke into a joyess smile, “My lord you are a beautiful young girl!” I blushed at her comment.

            “Thank you Mrs.Obama,” I beemed.

            “No, No, call me Michelle! And you are?” she tilted her head slightly to the side.

            “Bonnie, Bonnie Peterson, ma’am.”

            She nooded and looked to the President.

            “Hello Ambassador Peterson and daughter…?” he looked at me questionably.

            “Bonnie,” I was so embarresing.

            “Beautiful name for a beautiful young girl!” Obama smiled then looked to the crowd, “We are now happy to say we are at peace!”

            Rejoice boomed from the crowed, out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the serviceman flick his hand, and then a women from the crowd, held a camera up to me demanding my attention, causing me to step into the light of the sun.

            “Miss, miss, you are the Ambassador’s daughter?!” she asked. She was so low, I just decided to get on my knees, being carful not to flash my panties to the camera. The women seemed a bit shocked and shuffled her words, “Are you?”

            I nodded and smiled, “Yes, I’m Bonnie Peterson.”

            “Bonnie, how do you like it here, in America, so far?” she handed me the microphone.

            I laughed, “Everything is much bigger here!” The sourrounding group laughed aong.

            “What are your plans for school, and college?” she asked.

            “Oh,” I hesitated, “I finished from college at 16, so now I’m just an ambassador, with my father.”

            She nodded, “Well, what did you want to do befor becoming an ambassador?”

            “To travel, anything with that.”

            “Your traveling now!” she held her hand out in a high-five, and I returned it.

            I looked straight into the camera, “Rock on America! Here comes Bonnie!” I held my hand out for the American ‘I love you,’ sign language. And I winked.  I stood and smiled into all the cameras, and being the attention lover I am, I thrusted my hand into the air, and signed ‘I love you,’ again.

            “Your quite the girl aren’t you Bonnie?” Michelle rested her hand on my shoulder.

            I smiled, “I’m told that quite a lot.”

            I turned to Pa, and threw myself into his arms, “Thank youPa!” I whispered.


            When I saw the service man signal, along with the general, I poised the sniper to the Ambasador’s head was. This was going to declare the war, America is no fool. I began to pull on the trigger when a girl walked into view.

            She had waist long red and  unaturaly straight hair, she was in a white dress and unlke other redheads she was sunkissed. And she had also walked straight into my line of sight. Suprisingly, she dropped to her knees infront of a reporter, and took he microphone, my eyes stayed locked on her, even after she cleared out of my sight. She gave back the microphone and signed I love you, thenstood and did it to the crowd.

            Quite a showgirl, isn’t she?, I thought. Michelle Obama came up to her and said something. The girl turned and threw herself into the Ambassdor’s arms.

            Suddenly, it snapped, His daughter, I smiled and took out my hand radio and pressed the button.

            “Forget him, the girl, his daughter, is it. Get her we upset both countries, we blame it on someone from Scotland who tried to kill the Pres, best story. Over.”

            The static voice came though, “Good call, get back to 51, we’ll discuss this, Over.”

            I stood, gathered my things and walked of the building. But not before taking a glance at the red headed girl.


Hey wassup?

So, uh, how you like? I know it's strange but still pretty cool, right? I'm taking covers, so please, thanx :)

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