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Hi lovelies!

Thank you for so many reads and comments on the story, I'm actually really proud of myself for getting this far in my writing on wattpad, and I love to have little friends who can tell me whether I suck at this or not. Do I? Idk haha. :)

As you saw, I posted a new story, once again, but I'm really excited about doing it as well as Hidden and I want you to comment on it and tell me whether you want me to start it.

It's a really unique and rare plot, so I think both of us will have fun with it. :))

I'm sorry about the Lilo drama in the last chapter, but it's gonna continue later although in this chapter there's some fluff. I love you my babies!

Anyways, enjoy the chapter and remember to,


-J xxx


(Liam is seven months and three weeks pregnant.)

It was a cool morning for him, Louis wasn't there, of course. Liam's husband was hanging with Niall, Harry and Zayn whilst also being with the girls at the same time and he wasn't allowed to know why, so, what the man had decided to do was visit Louis' parents because he wasn't feeling too well at all, he needed some people to be there for him, and Johanna and her husband were the perfect people, they weren't stubborn like his lover, their fighting had been getting way too out of hand lately and he was bloody sick of it, although he was the one causing most of it.

He even had to drive himself to their house, he was officially a loner nowadays, no texts or calls from his husband, only an annoying child in his belly whom wouldn't stop kicking and kicking and kicking. Something was wrong with Bubba, not really, but, he assumed that the baby was hungry or just feeling as sick as he was at that moment, the poor child, Liam wanted to have this baby already, he was sick and tired of waiting, his belly was awfully big and he was gaining so very much weight. Maybe he needed to start going on small walks to lose the weight from all of the food which he had been eating, he didn't know.

This baby is a curse. Those five words would still run through his mind every day, it wasn't a nice thing to know that the baby which they were going to raise was a curse, Louis could have at least told him so beforehand, unlike the Doncaster lad, Liam thought of it as an absolute blessing. He was so joyful about their unborn child. Now, ever since the fight they had, he would mention what Louis said, and it would only make things worse, he wanted to fucking slap his hand across the man's face and make him realise what an arse he had been from saying that to Liam, but sometimes, he thought his behaviour was a little unnecessary as well.

Luckily, he would be able to get all of this off his mind. Johanna was great at helping Liam and giving him comfort, so, it was the perfect time to visit her. Liam's cold and dry hands shifted around his belly as he was trying to change the temperature of the heater at the same time, he couldn't believe how cold it was for the start of spring, the flowers were already out of the wonderfully green grass and his body was reeking of looking as if he had been in a freezer all day long. Small whines escaped his mouth when his baby began to kick on the sides of his stomach, causing Liam to run his hand over the sore spot and close his eyes peacefully.

The Tomlinson's must have predicted that he was at the house by the sound of the car turning off, so, he wouldn't have to be walking by himself. Once his eyes peeled open again, a smile played on his lips from the sight of the middle aged woman scurrying out of the house to get Liam out of the cold vehicle, she was in an apron with some warm slippers on that Liam wished he had, he needed a pair as well, hopefully the lady bought him a pair. Johanna clutched onto the door handle of Liam's side of the car and opened it quickly to see the struggling, shivering man, "Liam! Come on inside, you look freezing,"

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