♌️Disciple Leijon♌️

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Anonymous: Is this situation between those dodgy Ancestors and Olivia about sides?

Disciple: :33 > Half y3s and half no. Half of it is about sid3s but th3 oth3rrr half is b3caus3 of who Olivia is. It's an absolut3 frrrustrrration that us good side Anc3storrs and Olivia in particular ar3 d3aling with this. Unforrrtunat3ly, Olivia tak3s most of th3 hits and that's what hurrrts th3 poorrr girrrl th3 most... But Olivia's sid3 won't giv3 up and that includ3s Olivia h3rrrs3lf. I'm on Olivia's sid3 and 3v3rrryon3 on Olivia's sid3 will fight. That obviously includ3s Olivia h3rrs3lf. W3 will all fight for Olivia's fr33dom tog3th3rrr on this and to g3t this situation solv3d and out of th3 way forrr3v3r.

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