Anonymous: Have any of the nice Ancestors tried to turn the four rude Ancestors around?
Redglare: W3 tr13d just 4bout 3v3ryth1ng. Noth1ng work3d. Ol1v14 h3lp3d out 4nd 3v3n w1th h3r h3lp, w3 st1ll couldn't g3t 4nyth1ng to work. But w3 won't g1v3 up. D3f1n1t3ly not. W3'll k33p go1ng unt1l w3 succ33d.
Ask Olivia Southwell And The Ancestor Trolls
RastgeleOlivia is 16 for this story and obviously, she's in this story. Homestuck's Ancestor Trolls are in this too. Just random questions will be asked and they'll answer. That's it! 😋😃