Kaylee's p.o.v.
My alarm went off at 4.am. Despite the fact that I was still exhausted i rolled out of bed. I pull on a bathing suite, grab towel, and to my backyard.
Every morning I wake up anywhere between 3 and 4 to either swim or go for run. sometimes i fit in both, but that isn't very often. My family thinks that i work out way too much, but to me i have to. I play 5 different sports. I run both track, and cross country. I also swim and play volleyball.
I decide that this morning i will do 3 laps and then run a few miles. Once i finished my laps i went inside and took the gallon of water and went up to my room. And yes a gallon, I like to stay hydrated.
I drank water as i went up the stairs and looked out the window and saw my neighbor; Hunter super hot, way out of my league and gets wasted nearly every night. I mean it's obvious he ia just now getting home from another night of drinking. To be honest i hate him. We used to be really close, but then he got hot.
I went up to my room and officially decided i would skip out on my run and just shower. That way Melissa Johnson can't talk about me smelling like "Chlorine" Not my fault i spend much of my time in the pool. Besides i wanted to start off the year right.
Today was awful. After P.E which is 4th period I went to shower. While I was in the shower Melissa and her stupid Clique took my clothes.
I had to wear my P.E clothes for the rest of the day. That's not why today was awful and not why I'm pissed. They took my bra!! Worst of all they gave it to hunter!!! God it was so embarrassing.
Thank God my mom told me to always carry under garments with me at all times. This will be one hell of a year.
"Kaylee! Honey someone is here for you!" My mom shouted. Who could be seeing me? That's when i overheard their conversation.
"Thank you Mrs. Smith." the voice said.
Shit i cursed i looked like crap.
(Hope you guys like it Please comment and vote. There will be a contest on the cover message me if you are interested! PLEASE no hate!!)