Chapter 3

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Hunter's P.O.V.

It has been a long time since I have been in this house. I have missed Kaylee so much. I felt like I completely screwed things up when Melissa told me she had a huge crush on me. I just felt so awkward around her.

I mean she was basically my sister we used to sleep in the same bed! Almost every night she would fall asleep in my arms and I would play with her long brown hair. I really miss having a little sister to take care of.

"So Hunter, it's been a long time since we have had you over for dinner." Mr. Smith said.

"Dad, please stop with the small talk, we get it Hunter hasn't been over in a long time." Kaylee snapped.

Kaylee's P.O.V.

As much as I missed Hunter I was still embarrassed and very angry with him. I don't even know why he stopped being friends with me. It was so sudden.

I was really annoyed with my family and decides to tune them out.

After an hour, of whatever they were talking about Hunter finally got up to leave.

He thanked them and was almost out the door, when my mom shouted to him.

"Hunter! It's been so long and I really don't think that one dinner got all of us caught up, would you like to come to our pool party on Friday?" My mom asked.

"Oh sure, that would be great." He replied. I completely forgot about that pool party. Every year since I was in 3rd grade my mom had a "back to school" pool party.

When he finally left Park and I went up to my room.

"Oh my god that was painful." I sighed.

"Painful for you? Painful for me! Sugar daddy didn't even acknowledge me! He was totally checking you out though. She said. And then she started rambling on and on about how I need to dress "cute."


The next morning I decided to skip out on working out and focused on being a girl. Park was still asleep and since she was homeschooled she would most likely be there the whole day.

Park was two years older than me. Her parents pulled her out of school when she was caught having sex with a boy on the kitchen table.

I still laugh every time I hear that story. It's hilarious. My uncle didn't care as much as my aunt did. My aunt flipped out and she wanted Park to sit at the "very table where Parker was no longer a virgin."

Which is funny, because a long time before that her dad caught her putting a condom on her boyfriend's penis on her bed.

I personally think Sex is gross. Park tells me its the most amazing thing ever. But I wouldn't want to risk getting pregnant. I still have sports to worry about.

By the time it was 6:00 I had three outfits to choose from. I didn't want to wake up Park, so I got my mom.

"Oh my god, you are finally going to use the clothes I buy for you!" She squealed.

"Yea, yea, but which outfit do you like the best?" I asked getting very impatient.

"That one it would totally bring out your boobs." Park said out of no where.

My mom laughed and said "I completely agree."

Oh god. What is happening to my mom?!

I went to my dresser to grab my Hot pink thong and matching bra. But then I remembered Hunter had my hot pink bra.

(Hope you guys like it! Please vote!! Also, sorry for the mistakes)

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