Book Review #1 - The Phantom Tollbooth

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Book: The Phantom Tollbooth

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Book: The Phantom Tollbooth

Author: Norton Juster

Year published: 1961

Number of Chapters: 20


A couple years ago, a good friend of mine recommended that I read the phantom Tollbooth. As she described what lay within, my head could not process all the crazy detail and soon I had forgotten about it all. Years later she allowed me to borrow and eventually keep the book. Just a few days ago I finished reading this wonderful crafted piece of illustrated literature and if any of the places were physically real, I would be on the first tollbooth to the Land of Expectations!

The Phantom Tollbooth is a children's fantasy adventure novel filled with puns and numerous idioms. This was Norton Justers' first book when a previous project of his had not succeeded. Jules Feiffer, his housemate was an illustrator and drew the creative drawings found in the book. In due time an editor bought a book and helped publish The Phantom Tollbooth. Children from all over the world loved this story and still love it to this day and over three million copies of this book have been sold along with being translated into many languages.

The main theme of the phantom tollbooth is how learning how to love the value of education. Milo, a very glum chum who does not see the purpose in doing really anything is whisked off into a world he never expected to exist. A world made of many of things he was taught in school. When Milo lets his thoughts wander, he is stuck in the Doldrums but is soon rescued by Tock, a friendly watchdog. Together they drive to Dictionolpis and after being arrested for upsetting the Letter market, they soon meet the Which in the dungeons who tells them the story of Rhyme and Reason, two twin princess sisters, who were banished from the land once they agreed that numbers and letters were of equal value. After walking right out of the prison, and eating their words in the Palace of Azaz there Milo is chosen along with two others, Tock the watchdog and The Bug, to rescue Rhyme and Reason. From Meeting Chroma, the conductor who orchestrates the colors of the world, and the Mathematician to traveling over the Mountains of Ignorance where demons dwell, Milo's journey is one we all take in our educational lives.

As I read this book, it showed me how many things I needed to value. Each of the characters showed how I could apply what they represented in my life. I even learned new phrases and clever puns that I will never forget. This book is not just a book for children but a book for all because it shows how exciting the world can be. In every place that Milo explored I made a list in my head of which ones I wanted to visit myself and which ones I definitely should not. And most of all, I don't want to jump to conclusions. Learning that is very important because it can lead you into trouble, which Milo found out very quickly?

In all honesty I certainly agree with the author's worldview, Education is important!!! My parents always tell me this and I will also stress that to you, dear reader, as well. Education will not come to you; you must go out of your way to seek it! I will give an example of how education is important.

Recently, I have been looking for a job and found one that looked perfect. A job at Barnes and Nobles, firstly because I love, love books and secondly because I love to share what I have learned and enjoyed. I immediately began to apply but that's when my heart sank as I got to step two. The application required what college courses you had finished and what degree you had. Barnes and Nobles was then out of the question. I had jumped to conclusions without even considering what a job like such would require, thinking "Oh, this will be perfect and I can apply for it, quick and easy." My conclusions were very wrong. Still on the hunt for jobs, almost all jobs require a bachelor's degree and yes that may sound horrifying but it is life. And with this I plan to go to college so I can get the carrier I desire. It's not only because it is required but having some sort of degree needs to be on your resume.

This book is perfect for all ages, folks from far and wide. Taking you on an adventure one thought could never happen. So if you have the chance, read this book, and join Milo and many others on thrilling adventure but don't jump to conclusions without thinking, Or you might get stuck in the Doldrums but don't worry, you will chuckle and laugh on each page!

I enjoyed every bit of it and I hope one day you will too!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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