50 Classic Rock Names for Guys

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1} Freddie - Freddie Mercury (singer) ☆

2} Paul - Paul McCartney (singer)

3} John - John Lennon (singer)

4} Geddy - Geddy Lee (singer) ☆

5} Brian - Brian May (singer) + Brian Wilson (guitarist) ☆

6} Gene - Gene Simmons (guitarist) ☆

7} James - James Hatfield (singer + guitarist)

8} Billie Joe - Billie Joe Armstrong (singer + guitarist)

9} Kurt - Kurt Cobain (singer + Guitarist)

10} Ringo - Ringo Starr (drummer) ☆

11} George - George Harrison (guitarist)

12} Jacob - Jacob's Ladder by Rush

13} Bennie - Bennie and the Jets by Elton John

14} Jeremy - Jeremy by Pearl Jam

15} Prince - Prince (singer) ☆

16} Jude - Hey Jude by The Beatles ☆

17} Fernando - Fernando by ABBA

18} Louie - Louie Louie by The Kingsmen 

19} Sue - A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash

20} Buddy - Buddy Holly by Weezer

21} Daniel - Daniel by Elton John

22} Tre - Tre Cool (drummer) ☆

23} Axl - Axl Rose (singer)

24} Johnny - Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry

25} Leroy - Bad, Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce

26} Mickey - Mickey by Toni Basil

27} Adam - Adam's Apple by Aerosmith

28} Ben by Michael Jackson

29} Brandon - Brandon by Motley Crue ☆

30} Denis - Denis by Blondie

31} Christian - Christian's Inferno by Green Day

32} Jimmy - St. Jimmy by Green Day

33} Floyd - Pink Floyd (band) ☆

34} Joe - Hey Joe by Jimmy Hendrix 

35} Jack - Jack and Diane by John Couger Mellencamp

36} Hendrix - Jimmy Hendrix (singer + guitarist) ☆

37} Jessie - Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield 

38} Levon - Levon by Elton John

39} Tom - Tom Sawyer by Rush

40} Maxwell - Maxwell Silver Hammer by The Beatles

41} Vincent - John McClean

42} zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (band) ☆

43} Robert - Robert Plant (singer)

44} Neil - Neil Pert (drummer)

45} Alex - Alex Lifeson (guitarist)

46} Angus - Angus Young (guitarist) ☆

47} Richie - Richie Sambora ( guitarist)

48} Ozzy - Ozzy Osbourne (singer + guitarist)

49} Rick - Rick Allen (drummer)

50} David - David Lee Roth (singer)

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