1} Freddie - Freddie Mercury (singer) ☆
2} Paul - Paul McCartney (singer)
3} John - John Lennon (singer)
4} Geddy - Geddy Lee (singer) ☆
5} Brian - Brian May (singer) + Brian Wilson (guitarist) ☆
6} Gene - Gene Simmons (guitarist) ☆
7} James - James Hatfield (singer + guitarist)
8} Billie Joe - Billie Joe Armstrong (singer + guitarist)
9} Kurt - Kurt Cobain (singer + Guitarist)
10} Ringo - Ringo Starr (drummer) ☆
11} George - George Harrison (guitarist)
12} Jacob - Jacob's Ladder by Rush
13} Bennie - Bennie and the Jets by Elton John
14} Jeremy - Jeremy by Pearl Jam
15} Prince - Prince (singer) ☆
16} Jude - Hey Jude by The Beatles ☆
17} Fernando - Fernando by ABBA
18} Louie - Louie Louie by The Kingsmen
19} Sue - A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash
20} Buddy - Buddy Holly by Weezer
21} Daniel - Daniel by Elton John
22} Tre - Tre Cool (drummer) ☆
23} Axl - Axl Rose (singer)
24} Johnny - Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry
25} Leroy - Bad, Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce
26} Mickey - Mickey by Toni Basil
27} Adam - Adam's Apple by Aerosmith
28} Ben by Michael Jackson
29} Brandon - Brandon by Motley Crue ☆
30} Denis - Denis by Blondie
31} Christian - Christian's Inferno by Green Day
32} Jimmy - St. Jimmy by Green Day
33} Floyd - Pink Floyd (band) ☆
34} Joe - Hey Joe by Jimmy Hendrix
35} Jack - Jack and Diane by John Couger Mellencamp
36} Hendrix - Jimmy Hendrix (singer + guitarist) ☆
37} Jessie - Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield
38} Levon - Levon by Elton John
39} Tom - Tom Sawyer by Rush
40} Maxwell - Maxwell Silver Hammer by The Beatles
41} Vincent - John McClean
42} zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (band) ☆
43} Robert - Robert Plant (singer)
44} Neil - Neil Pert (drummer)
45} Alex - Alex Lifeson (guitarist)
46} Angus - Angus Young (guitarist) ☆
47} Richie - Richie Sambora ( guitarist)
48} Ozzy - Ozzy Osbourne (singer + guitarist)
49} Rick - Rick Allen (drummer)
50} David - David Lee Roth (singer)
The Holy Grail of Names
RandomTired of trying to come up with unique, interesting and meaningful names? Look no further for you have found the Holy Grail of Names!! There are enough basic names out here, this book is filled with a verity of names for any occasion free for you to...