50 Girls Names That Start With K

2.7K 8 13

1} Kennedy - Helmeted chief ✰

2} Kylie - Graceful 

3} Kaylee - Keeper of the keys ✰

4} Kaitlyn - Borrowed from the Irish

5} Khora - Maiden

6} Khristine - Christian 

7} Kiya - Righteous 

8} Kori - Dweller near a hollow ✰

9} Kelsey - Ship's victory

10} Karina - Love

11} Karissa - Grace ✰

12} Katherine - Pure

13} Kathleen - Pure

14} Karanne - Fair one

15} Khepri - Morning sun

16} Kolby - Coal settlement

17} Knox - Round hill ✰

18} Kimberly - Meadow

19} Kayla - Pure ✰

20} Kelly - Bright headed

21} Karen - Pure

22} Kira - Ruler ✰

23} Kendra - Knowledgeable

24} Kathy - Pure

25} Kai - Recovery ✰

26} Kamryn - Crooked nose

27} Kiara - God's precious gift 

28} Karah - Beloved ✰

29} Keanna - Gracious

30} Kayleen - Pure

31} Kriska - Christian

32} Kristel - Christian 

33} Kesi - Born from a troubled father

34} Karley - Womanly strength

35} Kateri - Pure

36} Kiyomi - Beautiful

37} Kenzy - The fair one

38} Kosta - Constant

39} Kiyoko - Rejoice

40} Kenisha - Feminine 

41} Kaija - Precious daughter

42} Kalliope - Beautiful voice

43} Kamaria - Bright as the moon

44} Kendall - Valley of river Kent

45} Kenna - Born of fire ✰

46} Karma - Destiney 

47} Kyrie - Lord have mercy

48} Kristen - Flower of Christ

49} Kitty - Pure

50} Kissa - Born after twins

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