Chapter 2

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“love is something which you can’t buy it just happens”

“You can make many friends but out of all, only a few will stand besides you when you need them”

“Past is something which has happened, you can’t change it, but your present and future can be moulded as you want, so concentrate on your present”

“Very few people in your life can make your smile when you are upset about something”

Feelings are something which are the strongest things and the one who has the courage to except then are the strongest people on land”

“Don't judge anyone from their behaviour, try yo understand their inner personality”

“A person which is coward, overconfident and stubborn may not be the real person from inside, its the behaviour which that person wants to show people”

“Being in love is the best feeling in your life but when that feeling is betrayed, it hurt a lot  more than you can ever imagine”

“You and me are someone which will never have an end”

“You are the only friend of mine with whom is can share anything and everything”

“It’s your choice whether you want your life as a plain white paper with nothing on it, or you want it as a colourful painting with different colours on it”

“Sadness, anger, betrayed, furious, curious, and many other emotions will be there at some point but try to be happy with whatever happens”

“Technology is something which helps work become easier but hard work helps you reach the best”

“Every new book leads to a new experience”

“Combining letters makes a word, words together makes a sentence, sentences together makes a paragraph and you and me together makes us best friends”


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-Danisha and manya

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