chapter 3

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Abigail P.O.V
I woke up and I felt a little strange. I looked around and saw tall green things flowing with the wind. I was a bit sick and confused about all of this and then it hit me like a rock banging against a wall. I SHRANK!
But how?! No way was I able to do this all on my own.
Then I remembered that the magician did this to me with that potion.
But not just me... Bartholomew?!  Where is he?
"Bartholomew?!" " Where are you?!"
"Abigail?" "Where are we?!" "Where are you?!"
"Stay put Bartholomew!" "I'm going to find you!"
"Alright just be careful!"
"You too!"
OK now I need to find Bartholomew and find out how to fix this!
If I could still hear him he must be close.
I walked over the tall grass which was mind blowing how I was actually smaller then it!
"Keep talking and I'll see if I can find you!"
"Alright um..."
"What is this tall green stuff?"
"Its grass."
"What ?!" "How?!"
"I don't know but we will soon find out."
"Follow my voice too and we'll bump into each other!"
Where is he?! Why does he not know what the grass is?! He and I are going to become scientists! Ugh! Why? Who would do this?! I need to figure this out!
"Abigail?" "You OK?!"
"OK good you were just not responding to...Oof"
Accidentally made it in bold...oops. Oh well it's fine.
"Well  we found each other."
"We are still the same size but everything else is way bigger!"
"Yeah and was it the potion?"
"Must be."
"How are we going to become giant again?!"
"I don't know Abigail." "I don't know..."
Someone's P.O.V.
"They will never know."

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