A Wolf Fell In Love With A Charmed One Chapter 8

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Again me and Jacob are not talking to each other me and him are not on good terms at the moment..


So here I am with Bella at the Cullens house

"Hi Edward, Why am I here" I say "Bella wants to go to Jacobs house" Edward says "Why?" I say "I dont know" he says then Bella comes in the room "Ready Lex" she says "Yeah" I say sarcastically and "Bye Edward" I say "Bye Edward see you later" Bella says kissing him on the lips and we leave and get in Bella truck acouple minutes later "Bella where am I going" I say "Im taking you to Jacobs house" she says "Why?" I say "Cause there some stuff going on and Jake can protect you" she says "Bella I cant take care of myself" I say "I know but still" she says looking ahead 

We pull up Jake's house we get out of the truck I fall way behind my phone rings I answer it


"Hey Alexis"

"Hey Dom, whats up"

"Its Letty"

"What do you mean Letty, whats wrong" I say concerned I stand on the side of the truck

"Shes been murdered she didnt it make it"

"Whens the funeral"

"Two days from now"

"Ill be there I dont know when but Ill call you"


"Dom Im sorry"

"I know I gotta go"


I hang up my cell and put it in my pocket "Are you okay" Bella says coming to me "Um(clear my throat)yeah Im fine" I say and we walk to the front door and knock on the door Billy answers the door

"Hey girls, Jacob's in the garage" Billy says "Hiya Billy, how are you" I say with smile and hug him "Hello Alexis Im doing good" Billy says "Ill meet you in the garage I have to use the restroom" I say "Billy may I use your restroom" I say "Yes" Billy says so I walk to the restroom I close the door


Jacob POV

I dont want to believe that I imprinted on Alexis ever since that kiss at her front porch Ive seen her differently and since then we havent talked in awhile

Im snapped out of my thoughts I hear Bella's truck "Are you okay" Bella says "Um, yeah Im fine" Alexis says

she doesnt sound fine

 "Hey Jake" Bella says I look up "Hey Bella, whats up" I say "Um I need your help" she says "Whats wrong" I say "I need you to protect Alexis" she says "What? Why?" I say "Some very powerful people are after her, can you protect her" she says "I dont think I can do it" I say honestly "She safe her on the Rez" she says "Bella says "Im sorry Bella but I dont think I can protect her or be around her I cant I will only protect you" I say "Nobody else" I say looking at her "I told you Bella(she looks at me)I dont need protection I can take care of myself, sorry for the inconvenience to you Jacob..Im going to Emily's house" Alexis says and walks out of the garage

Oh shit I cant believe I said that

"Alexis..wait Alexis" Bella says running after her I walk out of the garage Bella catches her they talk and Alexis runs walks off to Emilys house Bella looks at me then gets in her truck and leaves I watch her leave then I turn my head to the other direction where Alexis took off and phase to my wolf and run to Emilys house.