Now, at last, it can be told--the other side of Jack and Miko's story. Unfortunately, in the first draft of Always and Forever: A Tanabata Story, Miko got short-changed a bit. This was due to the story's structure and, especially, my desire to not spoil the big red herring somewhere around Chapter 3 when everything changed.
As a result, large portions of Miko's story was skipped over and some of her thinking and actions were both abrupt and somewhat inexplicable. The first attempt at a redraft showed that going back and inserting Miko's story after the fact wasn't going to work, so I decided to emulate my inspiration source--the Japanese light novels and the manga they've inspired--and break the already-too-long story into a series of shorter novellas.
Kabedon: Part 2 of A Tanabata Story is Miko's side of the story of Jack's Kokuhaku. I intended it to work as a stand-alone story, but to be honest, it's really a sequel. What that means is--if you've somehow stumbled on this story, I'd recommend you read Kokuhaku first. Not that you have to. In fact, I'd like to hear from anyone who happens to read the entire (not yet fully re-written) story with parts 1 and 2 swapped around.
If you haven't already, be sure to follow this profile to get each update as it occurs. Also, if you find you keep reading it, please vote for each installment, share it with your friends and, above all, leave comments. I love to hear how readers react to various parts.
As always, thank you for your support.
yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
PS--If some of this Japanese stuff is confusing, I've included a short guide to key Japanese words, customs and manners of address in the intro to Kokuhaku: Part 1 of A Tanabata Story. See! Another reason to read that story first. XD
Kabedon: Part 2 of A Tanabata Story
Chick-LitAll her life, Mieko Miyamoto has struggled to be the perfect student, daughter, and athlete. She has sacrificed her childhood to please her teachers, tutors, parents, and coaches only receiving a rare "good job" in return, and never hearing the word...