Sick From The Melt

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Chapter 3

I began to ignore Chris' calls over the week. I felt bad for having flirted with him then suddenly try and forget him. He was just too perfect. Nothing I could do would get my mind off of him. All I wanted was him to forget me and me to forget him.

I guess thats not what he wanted. I hear the door bell and I feel my insides sink. I know exactly who it is. I slowly walk to the door and answer with a small hello. I look up at the tall slender man and as I do I see the smile disappear from his too perfect face.

"Samantha whats happened to you?" I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"You look sickly pale, here." he says as he gently pushes his way through the door. He touches my face with a sad look. Still confused I look in a mirror I have hanging on the wall. I let out a tiny gasp as I see what I have become. I look almost dead. Pale, dark as the circles under your eyes can get, and blood shot eyes. I look at Chris and I know the reason why he is looking at me the way he was. Tears find there way past my eyes and Chris takes me in his imbrace. "Why did you ignore me, whats the matter? shhh, it'll be okay." He says and he brushes the hair from my face. I realise what I am doing and pull away.

"I can't let you like me Chris." I say not knowing another way to put what I was feeling into words. "What are you talking about?" he says moving closer but I back away. "Someone like you should like someone like... like me." I say looking in the mirror again and making a disgusted face to what I was looking at. More tears fall from my cheeks because the longer I look at myself the sadder I get. Chris moves closer again and that brings my attention back to him. "Someone like you? Oh my god Samantha how can you not see how perfect you are?" No one has ever said anything even close to that to me before and at first I don't believe it. But when I look into the eyes I fell in love with, I see he means what he says. I think he sees that I believe his words because he takes my face in his hands once again and pulls my chin up so that our lips meet.

For the first time I feel real. Feeling floods back into me. I feel stupid for buliding the walls around me so fast. But for that perfect moment I only felt pure love. And I wasn't scared of that. He pulls me closer with his hands around my waist and I reach my arms around his neck. We slowly pull apart and my tears have stoped falling. I open my eyes and find myself smiling and him doing the same. He runs his fingers through my hair and I say

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." he says but before I can react he steals another loving kiss.

He leads us to the couch and I sit close to him letting my head fall on his shoulder. I finally feel the triedness I hadn't felt all week. Before I know it I pass out into complete sleep.

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