chapter 8 | the envelope

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Six Months Ago

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Six Months Ago

Saturday (The Day Before Graduation)

I pull up in front of Club Lotus. It looks strange during daylight hours with the unlit marquee, the absence of bouncers standing guard, and an empty sidewalk with no line of people winding down it. I knock on the black glass door.

"It's open," a voice echoes from inside.

I let myself in and marvel at all the open space. Nick works nonstop to fill that space every night. And he's damn good at it. Entertainment runs through his veins. He's amazing with people. Knows everyone. It doesn't matter if your pockets are fat or empty and lined with lent, he treats everyone like they matter. Which is why everyone, celebrity or not, loves him and finds their way to the Lotus.

He's one of the best managers I have ever had. He hired me on the spot, the day I wandered in looking for work. I had never waited on tables before, let alone worked in a club but he trusted me. Gave me a VIP section. I've been making real money ever since. Working only two days a week, Fridays and Saturdays, I pay all my bills and have a little left over to save.

Nick's behind the bar taking stock of the liquor. "Hey! There's my girl!" His face is red from carrying a heavy case of liquor from the back. "I'm telling you. You won't believe it." He opens the register and pulls an envelope from the bottom of the drawer. "You know how you were telling me about that situation last night?"

"Huh?" I ask puzzled.

"You know, the situation with the guy that you said called you a you-know-what?" he prompts me.

"Oh. Yeah. That guy," my tone falls flat. "What about that asshole?"

"Well, I called him, talked to him this morning. I told him what he did and let him know he can't treat my girls that way. He was drunk out of his mind yesterday. Would you believe, he had no recollection of calling you out your name? He went on and on about how great you were, how you made him and his guys feel like kings. How you had excellent customer service. Ya da ya da ya. You know, the whole nine." Nick leans over the glass-top bar as if he's about to tell me a secret and whispers, "So, he stops by with this envelope to ya know, apologize and express his gratitude."

This feels like a Godfather moment.

A huge smile spreads over Nick's face as he slides the envelope across the bar. "Here you go, kid. You must have made some impression on him."

Not knowing why, I smile too as I discreetly cuff the envelope. "Thanks for having my back, Nick."

"Hey, no problem and congratulations on your graduation. When is it?"

"Tomorrow, actually."

"You don't sound very happy about it. You ready for it?"

"I'm trying to be, considering all that's happened recently. Once I graduate, it's off to the real world, right?"

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