My mission

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     I crept through the dark hallways of the bandit leaders layer. It was an abandoned warehouse, and had a lot of guards, each not hard to defeat at all. I either killed them or crept by them, trying to cause as little casualties as possible, even if they were bandits.

     I turned a corner and saw two bandits guarding a door. I took two knives from my belt and threw them, both of them landing face first into the floor. The knives came flying back at me and I grabbed them, sheathing them. The metallic sliding noise was music to my ears.

     I crept in front of the door, listening in. "Boss, I swear, something powerful is in the building! All of our guards are dead on the floor, and all of them have a slit in their forehead, like a dagger was thrown with exact accuracy!" A muffled slightly high pitch voice told the boss.

      "Well, go check it out Tibogi." A deep harsh voice commanded.

      "Yes sir." Tibogi responded. I heard footsteps and I stepped behind the door as it opened. He stood in front of the door, looking around. He had shaggy brown and wore baggy torn clothes.

     "Hello?" He whispered after closing the door. "Is anyone here?" He asked, his voice cracking.

     I held still. If I moved he would see me. "I know your here, I just want to know what you are. I wont harm you, not like I could if I tried anyway. I don't care if you kill my boss, he's a jerk and this system needs to go down. Just let me see you, please?" He begged.

     I debated my options. I could reveal myself, but he may be lying and go running to the 'boss.' Or I could stay hidden, and I had no idea how long he was going to be here. So that rules out that. I decided plan C.

     I made the air talk. I know it sounds dumb, but there was a window open. If I angled water properly and a breeze came through, it would work kind of like whistling, but with words. I did that, which took a few minutes.

      He still stood there looking around, seeming nervous. Once it finished it took another couple minutes for wind to come in, then it finally did.

     "I am the Assassin of Ice, I'm here to kill your leader." I said.

     I'm called the Assassin of Ice because once I kill my target I turn them into ice so no one can get any clues, except I leave the heart inside. I think it is cruel to destroy someone's heart.

     HIs expression was priceless. It went from awe to fear to happiness then horrified in three seconds.

     "T-T-The A-Assassin of I-Ice? T-The one even C-Chaos cant catch?" He stuttered.

     "Chaos is looking for me?" I asked out loud. Oops. He spun around towards the door.

     I cursed under my breath. I put made the zipper motion with my hands and he nodded vigorously, wide eyed. I mist traveled in the room behind the bandit leader. Giant price on his head, but I didn't need the money. 

      "Hello." I greeted.

      He spun around, his buzz cut hair glinting in the single light in the room.

     "Wha-" He tried but I cut him off.

     "Bye." I tapped his head and his body was slowly behind turned into ice. Once it got his head engulfed I looked through his drawers. Plans for attacks, Drachmas, and just what I was looking for.

      I heard a rumor, and it turns out it was true. I held up a metal chain and could sense it's magical essence, even if it wasn't unlocked yet. I put it in my hidden pocket and walked out the door, not looking back at the guy, to where Tibogi was staring at me with wide eyes.

Percy Jackson, Assassin of IceWhere stories live. Discover now