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Percy's POV
"And there he is now." Aria said nervously. "Don't interrogate him, please?"
I stood and spun around, staring down the kid who came up from behind us. He was tall and lean. He had long, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, almost black. He wore blue jeans and a baggy black t-shirt with a camo-green backpack. His eyes widened and he froze when he sat me. "Um, Aria? T-That's-" he gulped. "You know who that is... R-Right?"
"Assassin of Ice, Slayer of Evil, Savior of Kingdoms, Head of Chaos's Army, am I missing anything?" Aria asked boredly, looking over at me.
"Perhaps your dad? I think you missed that one."
The kid's eyes widened. "Y-You're... You.. You're Aria's... Dad?"
"Yes, I am." I did a history check on him mentally. No criminal records, helped out at community centers, human. "Cookie?" I held out my hand and a blue cookie appeared in it.
"Oh my gosh, DAD!" Aria whined, shaking her head.
"You can't just offer someone you just met a blue cookie after glaring at them like they tried to murder me!" Aria exclaimed.
"I can't?"
"But I am right now. I can, because it's physically possible. But may I do it? Yes because I am older than you and can do what I want." I smiled innocently at her while she groaned and shook her head.
"You're impossible dad."
"I know."
"I thought you were supposed to be- What's going on?" Ara asked. Aria was in the middle of a facepalm, the guy kid thing looked confused, and I was holding a cookie in the air while smiling innocently. "You know what? Do I want to know?"
"No." Aria and I chorused, looking over at her.
"Okay. I'll just tell you what to do then. Percy, put the cookie down." I stared at her and didn't move my arm. "Percy, I'm warning you. Put. The Cookie. Down."
"Can... Can I eat the cookie?" I asked.
"No. Drop it."
"In the sand? But then the cookie will get dirty."
"I don't care. Drop. The. Cookie." Ara demanded.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered, before dropping the cookie. "PSYCHE!" I willed the cookie to fly back to my hand, then shoved it in my mouth.
"And this is my dad." Aria sighed.
"Off fouf fuv eph." I said. I shook my head and swallowed my cookie. "I meant, oh you love me."
"You know you're dating an idiot when he's the most powerful being in the universe and he uses his powers to stop a cookie from hitting the ground." Ara sighed. "Anyways, Percy, shake hands with Akila."
"Akila is... That kid?" I asked, pointing to the kid.
"Yes, Percy, Akila is that kid." Ara sighed.
"Hi Akira. Hurt my daughter and I'll kill you."
"Good deal." Akira agreed with a curt nod of his head.
"Percy! You can't talk to people like that!" Ara hissed at me.
"What? Why not?"
"It's rude, and it's called threatening someone!"
"... And that's bad why?"
Akira looked extremely confused. "I don't know what happening."
"Do you know what will fix that?" I asked him.
"Percy, I swear to Chaos, if you say coo-"
"A cookie."
"-kie." Ara finished with a sigh.
"I'm good, thanks..." Akira said nervously.
I frowned. "He wouldn't take my cookie. Aria, why are you datinga kid who won't take cookies?"
"Because I can? And he's really sweet and caring and-"
"Okay, okay, I get it, you found a sweet guy, blegh."
"You really don't want me dating do you?" Aria asked me.
"Um, let me think, no."
"But he does good stuff! He-"
"Stole a pencil eraser from his teacher's desk in third grade." I finished. "That's what you were going to say, right?"
"... No. No, dad, that was not what I was going to say." Aria said, looking confused. "Did you-?" She asked, turning to Akira.
"Um... Maybe?"
"He has a clean record and volunteers at community centers, and is dirt poor?"
"DAD!" Aria yelled.
"What? It's not an insult! Plus I can fix that! Let's go shopping!" I blinked. "I sound like a teenage valley girl. Let's, like, go shopping, cause, like, I need some new clothes to add to my, like, walk in closet girl!"
A chorus of "I'm dating you?" and "You're my dad?" and "I'm so confused" rang out around me.
"Yes you are, yes I am, and you should be."
"This is going to be a long day, isn't it?" Aria asked.
"Damn right it is. Let's go!"
Author's Note
~Amber Killington ❤💀❤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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