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"Oh shit!" I shouted, jumping away from my laptop. It had been a few weeks since Ethan and I had met. I was currently over at his place, while my apartment was being used for a short film. It was a long story. One involving one of my coworkers and unicorns. When I told Ethan that I would be staying at a hotel for a week, he instantly said that I wasn't going to do that. I would stay at his apartment. He wouldn't take no for an answer. I said yes. On one condition. He wasn't giving up his bed for me. I would be quite fine on the couch.

Ethan stuck his head out the door and gave me a questioning look. He had been filming a YouTube video in his room for the past half an hour and I guess that shouting profanities had drawn his attention to me.

"My boss is calling on Skype," I answered his look. He nodded and tucked his head back into his room. My boss never calls me on weekends unless something had happened at the office. I answered the call and put on a smile. The screen flickered and a male face appeared.

"Hey. Is everything alright?" I asked.

"What?" Yes. I just wanted to inform you that the file I sent you last month is due on Monday." His serious tone made me question him. He was usually quite laid back. Then again. Due dates were coming up, and that can change even the best of people into someone else.

"Yes. I was just working on it. You should see the audio track in your inbox by Monday." I let an equally formal tone escape my lips with the words I said. He smiled and the call ended.

"Lying to your boss. Shame on you," Ethan joked. he was leaning on the wall. "You weren't 'just' working on it. You were on Pinterest."

I  put my finger to my lips, as to tell him not to say anything. A laugh erupted from him and he sat down beside me. I sighed and opened my emails. I wasn't particularly expecting to see much, so it didn't come as a surprise to have any new messages. Ethan's hand reached to the top of the monitor and he shut my laptop. My attention was brought to him, sitting there smiling widely at me. I put my laptop on his coffee table and stood up. he stood up with me.

"want to do something? All I've seen you do for the past three days is sit on my couch with a laptop in your hands." his voice startled me at first.

"At least I have a real job," I joked. He put his hand to his heart and acted shocked, however, he could barely keep a straight face. Neither could I, and between the two of us, his apartment hadn't been silent for a second since I got here. It was probably the same without me, but I'd like to think that I had something to do with it. "Kidding,"

"Yeah, I know. But do you want to go somewhere? Go see an impromptu movie or maybe go get ice-cream?" I smiled. The sappy idea of ice-cream seemed really cool.

"I gotta go with ice-cream. It's too sappy and cliche to pass up,"

"Then shoes on. We're leaving," He laughed, grabbing my arms and pulling me towards my light grey high tops.

"whatever you say, Mr. Deadpool socks," I laughed, bending over to grab my shoes.


"One mango ice-cream for the girl with strikingly green eyes," Ethan said as he handed me my cup. The orange dessert felt like freshly fallen snow on my hands. Perfect for a warm day like today. I gave him a toothy grin and he grabbed his own cup. We walked away, laughing for no particular reason. Ethan slipped his hand into my mine in the least subtle way possible and acted as if nothing had happened when I gave him a look.

"Do you ever think about how sometimes the stupidest ideas become the best decision of your life?" I asked, My brain lightly skimming over the flooding thoughts. One thing about me is that I tend to verbalize my thoughts. Like I just did.

"Sometimes. But its better to not always think about the past. Live in the moment. You know?" He replied, letting his thumb brush over the back of my hand. "A possibly stupid decision lead me to meet you. And I have no proof that you aren't a sociopath that's planning on murdering me under a full moon,"

"Right back at you," I laughed. I let go of his hand and grabbed the small plastic spoon of my ice-cream. Ethan looked at me, surprised that I had pulled my hand away. "What? I have ice-cream and I plan on eating it,"

I put the Mango covered spoon in my mouth in the least sexy way possible. Mostly to rub it in his face, but also just to make him laugh. Which wasn't hard. He had this glint in his eyes when he laughed and it just suited everything about him. In return he did the same with his own, making sure that I was watching.

"Why do I hang out with you?" I joked.

"Because I'm the only guy whose seen you without makeup on and still wanted to speak to you afterward," He answered with a voice full of sarcasm. I lightly whacked him in the arm with the back of my hand.

"Not true,"

"Really? Prove it. Who else has seen you without makeup on and spoken to you after?" He challenged.

"My... Dad." I went silent. My mind flashed back to 2011. The phone call. My mother crying. The white hospital lights. The soft beep of his heart. Being told that he wouldn't survive. My mothers tears as they turned off all the machines. I was only fifteen. My sister was twelve. My eating disorder started shortly after that.

"Skye? Are you ok?" I looked at Ethan. He looked concerned. I just nodded and we began walking in silence.

the good silence.

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