Forbidden Fruit

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"No", the Prince breathed. All the air had escaped his lungs as he watched his lover, broken and thrown on the shinning marble floor. She had a steady stream of bloody pouring out of her nose like a waterfall.

"This street rat was found with a bounty on her head for stealing medication from a local hospital." The chief of the guards spat in down at her crumpled form in disgust.

"Bring her forward", The King commanded curiosity shinning through his eyes as he looked at his currently distressed son.

Abruptly the guard kicked her ribs to roll her forward making the girl yelp and the prince lurch forward. The girl cut herself off from coughing and wincing from pain.

"Stop!" The prince half yells from panic without even thinking, "Father, I would be glad to take this investigation off of your shoulders." The prince says in a lower tone while keeping his eyes on her he whole time and she was knelt over trying to keep it together.

At the sound of his son's voice the girls head snaps up searching for the source. Him. He was here. He would save her. Her eyes widened as the connected with the prince. Him. He lied.

She still loves him.

The king intently watches the two interact. As soon as he gauges the look on both of their faces he realizes this girl was different to his son.

She was nothing like the other girls he had chosen for his son to marry that he so 'graciously' rejected. No. This girl was the one that his son would protect and make her feel loved. He knew the look well.

The king gave his son a long look of admiration for not only finding the girl but doing it on his own before he finally spoke, "Yes son, you should pick up the interrogation. But later, for now we must speak in private. Good day soldier."

The Prince's eyes did not budge from his lover as she was drug away from him to the cold dirty cells. It was no place for someone like her. A free spirit he always called her.

The king broke the silence of his son staring at the door and him staring at this son. "My boy I believe I know that look quite well that you have. You met the one, though she is a criminal and probably bad and probably a lot of work before she can take the throne... Is there any persuading you otherwise?" The King wastes no time getting to the matter at hand.

The prince turns his entire body to look into the king's eyes with authority, there is no King and Prince in this moment only father and son. "I do not wish to disobey you or the throne father, but she is my love. She has the purest of heart, mind and soul. You will love her if you give her the chance to live." The prince stated with passion burning through his veins stronger than ever.

"Son you mustn't place your Love in someone you've only just met and know absolutely nothing about. That street rat is-" The king viciously remarks.

"I do not care!" The prince butts in now angry, "If you knew her like I knew her you wouldn't-"

"Please do not tell me you are so blind son to realize what she has done. She stole medication to get cheap high for godsake! Just like the rest of her people in her rank." The King comes closer to his son's face testing him by jabbing a finger into his chest. Cursing the ignorance in his son's passions.

"Yes she did steal it, for her little brother. He is bed ridden worth an illness the doctors cannot diagnose. That medication she stole was his last hope at living." The prince whispers calmly in return, surprising the once infuriated King.

"And not only was she dealing with that she also saved my life when I ran away. I was almost killed by one of our guards because he felt like I looked at him wrong, of course he did not recognize me because I was undercover. " The prince stops for a second to look into his father's eyes intently before continuing.

"Father, our kingdom outside these palace walls is unjust. She taught me that, and over time she also showed me what true love felt like. Not on purpose of course. True love doesn't require gifts, expensive things or even acceptance from others. With her I feel like I've been reborn, alive and real." The prince finishes looking back toward the puddle where her blood still lie.

He then looked at the door with his eyes no longer sad but determined, "I did this to her and I will fix it." The prince whispers to himself storming out of the throne room away for his father.

Tell me if you would be interested in this being a real story.


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