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Tobi's POV

The day seemed to be dragging on forever as first break rolled around. I stood by the cafeteria door, watching people rush past me as I waited for Ada.

Something I have learned very quickly about the tall girl is that she is certainly not punctual, I could guarantee that all of the good food and seats would be gone by the time we made our way in. I didn't mind too much though, I wasn't really hungry.

No more than two minutes of waiting later I was met by the greeting of my locker partner. She looked out of breath, like she had been running.

"Sorry i'm late Tobi, Advanced P.E. is ages away." she said as she evened out her breathing a bit and composed herself.

"It's alright, you didn't have to run," I laughed a little, "I would have waited."

" I know I just felt bad for keeping you here so long, especially on our first day of friendship." She smiled and lead the way into the cafeteria.


That word stuck in my head as we walked into the large room of rowdy teenagers. Are we friends? I've never had an actual friend before. Sure, I've had dinners with my mother's work colleagues children but I have never had a friend of my own. I've only know Ada for three hours, but she seems nice enough.

My mind continued racing until I was interrupted by Ada's somewhat strong accent,

"Are you getting anything?" She asked when I realised we were at the counter.

"U-um Nah, I'm not hungry." I replied and she shrugged and turned to order her food.

It wasn't long before Ada's food came and we were sitting at a table around the edge of the cafeteria, near a particularly loud group of boys who were shouting and throwing things across the table. There were only two boys who weren't yelling, one rather short tan boy and and tall blonde, whom I recognised from my Modern History class earlier on. He didn't seem too bad if I was being honest, He wasn't disruptive and I'm not going to lie, he wasn't exactly ugly.

I think Ada noticed the intrigued on my face as I looked over at the boys because she cut in,

"No. Just no. Those boys are awful, Tobi." She said and threw a look of disgust  in their direction.

"How do you know?" I asked out of genuine curiosity.

"See the short tan one," I nodded, "his name is Vik. Vikram barn. I went to primary school with him and Callum Mcginley, The one with dark hair. They used to be pretty nice and then they came here and met Olajide Olatunji- Dark skin, bandana- and the other Callum- Liverpool shirt- and they turned into assholes. Then there's.."

Ada continued to explain every boy in the group but when she had finished she still hadn't said anything about the blonde from history, so I asked.

"Oh Simon? Yeah, I don't know much about him. He's the football captain and he's good at literature. He was in my class last year, but that's about all I know, why? Has Little Tobi taken a liking to a certain football captain?" She teased and I could feel myself go bright red as she laughed.

"I haven't, I don't even know him. I've never spoken to him in my life." I said as the bell went.

" Well now is your chance," she said as we stood up, "We have Literature next."

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