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Tobi's POV

"Please take your seats," a slightly older women called from the front as she scribbled her name down on the whiteboard at the front. I took a seat next to Ada, looking around at the class.

I could see Simon at a table across the room from me, I don't know what it was about him but he interested me. Ada said he was bad news and I don't know if I believe her or not but either way I am going to keep my distance.

Our teacher cleared her throat and we all quieted down before she began talking about what we will be doing this year and what we are going to be reading and analyzing. She told us that our first project was more of a "getting into routine thing" and that all we had to do was pull together a selection of poems and quotes with a partner of our choice.

Ada and I partnered and for the rest of the lesson we peices together ideas for which pieces we would put into our project. Ada seemed a little spaced out and i made a mental note to ask about it later but in the meantime I continued to read through poems, taking the occasional glance over at simons table where he sat, looking surprising focused for a 'bad boy', I guess he needed the grade.

Not much happened for the rest of the day but Ada and I had agreed to meet the next morning in the local cafe to go over notes.

The rest of the day went by fast and before I knew it I was walking home. Ada had offered me a ride but I refused, although I regret doing so now that I can feel the wind cutting through my clothes as I shivered. Nevertheless, She was long gone by then so I just kept my head down and continued walking.

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