Chapter Three

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*Allie’s POV *

It was Monday, the day I had been dreading. I didn’t like school, much less starting school in the middle of the year. I got ready like I always did, quick shower, hair routine, then makeup, skipping breakfast and listening to music for however long I had before I had to go.

“Can you get that?” My flustered mum asked when she heard a knock on the door. It wasn’t just my first day at school, it was my parents’ first day of work and they were more nervous than I was.

“Michael.” I felt really nervous as soon as I opened the door. He smiled and stepped inside; he waved to my mum who smiled since her hands were full.

“I was wondering if you were going to need a ride to school? It’s no problem and that way you can have at least one person to hangout with and to show you around.” I couldn’t help but notice that he always seemed more and more nervous around me, aren’t you supposed to get less nervous the more you hang around with someone? I guess I understood because I kept getting more and more nervous with him too, but I couldn’t really pin point why.

“That’d be great.” I grabbed my backpack and left before my mum could force me to take a lunch that I wasn’t going to eat anyway with me.

“So, should I tell you about the school or do you want to jump in with no background on it.” I hesitated for a moment then signaled him to go on. “Okay, well there’s one girl her name is Emily she is one of the most popular girls in the school, and one of the nicest but her group of friends are total cunts so I would avoid it, Then there’s Brad Johnson, he’s one of our best friends and he’s dating this girl named Marissa who used to be in Emily’s crowd until she decided she liked us better, she’s still in the popular category she just hangs out with us more. Jase Mitchell is Emily’s boyfriend, he’s super into like older rock, Pink Floyd, the smiths, he likes us, but he has his own crowd of friends. Then there are my friends, who are all just fucking weird.” He looked over at me with a huge smile on his face; I couldn’t help but just smile back at him. He looked so happy, I could already tell his friends were a huge part of his life and it made me feel better because he already considered me a friend, I think. “Okay, so Calum is the sweetest one of all of us, he usually stops conflict before it gets out of hand and he just, he’ll protect you no matter what it costs. Ashton is the guy who laughs when he has no idea what else to do, trust me you’ll be able to tell which one is which is as soon as you here them talk. Finally, Luke he’s the more quiet one of the group and when he talks he either makes us all laugh, think really hard about something, or just completely blow our minds.”

“I think I got this.” I said as I went over everything again, what if I didn’t even end up being in his group of friends? What if they all hated me?

“Hey, they’ll love you.” He said, almost as if he could read my mind and I smiled. I hadn’t had a friend like this since freshman year. I kept thinking back to that night, it was stuck in my brain and I couldn’t get it out.

“Michael, I feel like I owe you an explanation for the first night I met you, when I told you not to do what I think you were trying to do.” I bit my lip nervously as he turned to face me once he parked his car.

“I was going to kiss you, but then you told me not to so I didn’t. You don’t need to explain yourself, it’s fine.”

“No, Michael. I wanted you to, I wanted to. I just didn’t want to fuck things up with you. I want us to be friends and I just thought that maybe that might have ruined it, but I don’t know anymore.” I couldn’t stand to look him in the eyes; I couldn’t believe I had even said that.

“Allie, I know this is fast, like really fast but I like you, and as soon as you walked through that door, I knew that you were the girl of my dreams and I want to be with you, why do you think I’ve been trying so hard to be your friend at least?” He tilted my chin up so I would look at him, just like he did that night, my cheeks burned at the memory. I looked up at him, his eyes were so beautiful it was crazy, he leaned in hesitantly just like he did that night, except this time I didn’t stop him.

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