~Chapter One: Madam Mayor~

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A world where there is no laws, no social structure, no racial or prejudice actions. A world where there is only dead and the living. It's a world Trinity Smith would crumble.

But yet it is a world where she strives.

She found a broken group and turned it into a flourishing community with the help of a southern gentleman. The community held activities every weekend, after everybody unwounded from their jobs that benefit the community. It could be Game Night, where the kids play silly games like duck-duck-goose and the adults play poker. Or it could be Music Night, where they could dance and sing to whatever music they wanted for an hour or two before curfew. Or it could be Fight Night, much to Madam Mayor's protests.

Unfortunately, it was one of those nights. The stronger citizens that went on runs or guarded the wall would capture a dozen or so Biters and the citizens would gain pleasure from killing them in the ring. Of course, there were precautions, such as cutting the limbs and jaws off the monsters so they couldn't actually harm anyone. But it was still inhumane in the eyes of the beloved Mayor.

Several bleachers full with people circled an area where torches stood at each corner. The evening fog gave the whole event an eerie feeling which only roweled up the crowd even more. Hoots and hollers filled up the air. Tonight was the one night where they could let loose and not care if anything heard them. A single man stood in the center, a microphone in his hand. The host of the show is what some might've called him.

"Now Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to welcome our Madam Mayor this evening!" A man shouted, and applause erupted through out the crowd. Trinity knew the routine from the heart. She would walk out there, thank the citizens for their hard work, and announce the first competitor. Though she would rather work on the blue prints for the new and improved town, she knew this was needed to keep herself in favor with the people.

Trinity waltzed out into the open, relishing in the attention. She nodded at everyone and held up her hand. The simple gesture silenced everyone. She took the microphone from a bystander who gave her a thumbs up.

"Welcome. I hope you all are enjoying yourselves," Her voice rolled off like waves washing up onto shore. The group cheered and hollered. She chuckled quietly. "I would like to thank you all for participating in these activities and being apart of our community. Without you, we wouldn't have any of this; for that, I'm extremely grateful," Trinity poured out. Everyone's faces were glowing as their beloved leader praised each and every one of them.

"Please, Madam Mayor, we are the ones that should be the ones who are grateful," Someone called out and everyone shouted in unison. Trinity shook her head. She looked down at her perfectly white heels that sunk slightly into the dirt, her face contorted in confusion.

In the crowd there was a certain blonde that couldn't stop rolling her eyes. "Ya know if ya don't stop, they'll fall outta' yer head," A scruffy southern voice chuckled lowly. Andrea scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Is it always like this? Does she always get worshipped?" Andrea asks, her face full of disgust. Merle nodded, poking at the air where the blade that replaced his arm was usually at. One of the rules he had to follow was no blade around the public unless he was competing. Which, was not tonight.

"She's big shit around here. Some say she formed Woodbury erself'." Merle laughed once again. Andrea's head whipped at the rumor.

"But Brian is the leader," Andrea protested. Merle shook his head, a smile sketched onto his face.

"Nah. Ya got a whole lot of catchin' up to do so ya' can fit in," Merle laughed. It would've been safe to say that the man was a little more than tipsy. Andrea pursed her lips and turned back to the radiant woman.

"Now for what you all have been waiting for-" Trinity was cut off by a gurgling noise. A noise that she knew all too well. Trinity spun around to be met with a disgusting rotting face only meters away. It was a monster from the outside. She gasped, dropping the mic. Everyone watched the scene closely, not knowing what else to do. They hadn't trained any of them for a moment like this.

Trinity stumbled back as she tried to distance herself away from the thing. She had managed to trip on a rock that was behind her, tumbling to the ground. She landed with a gasp. The Biter came limping toward her. It gnawed on it's jaws, teeth baring. Trinity had no weapon with her. It was going to be her demise. She looked down at her heels once more, noting the sharp wedge that could easily pierce a soft skull. Trinity yanked off her shoe and struggled to get back up.

By now, Merle had sobered quite a bit. Merle pushed and shoved to get to her but nobody budged. Andrea grabbed his arm as she watched the woman. "Merle, she's got this under control," Andrea mumbled.

The only thing that was giving Trinity light were the fire torches. She could hardly see the stumbling figure that was coming closer with every passing moment.  Trinity finally stood with an injured foot. She glanced around as she couldn't focus with the crowd cheering her only. A groan came from behind her. She froze. She spun around, only to be met with a rotting face. It lifted it's heavy arms to reach her. Trinity growled.

"Enough is enough." She slammed the heel of her shoe right into the eyes of the monster. The moaning in the air was silenced as the body went limp. Trinity watched as it fell to the ground with a thud.

Cheers surrounded her once more. Trinity lifted the corner of her lips before she limped away. Officials ran up to the hurt women but she simply waved them off. When Merle came up to her, she had her fist clenched. She had fire in her eyes.

"Get me the Governor. Now," Trinity snapped.  Merle nodded before he left.


"What the hell were you thinking, Brian?" Trinity yelled as she slammed her bare palms on the table. Brian chuckled. He strolled over to her and snaked his arms around her waist. Bile rose from the back of her throat.

"The people need to see that they have strong leaders. I was only trying to do you a favor," Brian whispered. She pushed away and glared.

"You almost had me killed," She hissed.

"Get over it already," Brian groaned. Trinity shakes her head.

The group outside the building cheered and hollered for the contestant. It was pointless. They didn't really have to fight the biters and the activity only fueled their ego. If there was ever a time where they would have to fight, they wouldn't stand a chance.

Trinity looked back at her partner. A small smirk was etched into his mouth like always and his eyes gleamed under the light. His hair was tussled, his sleeves rolled up, and his vest unbuttoned. The whole look gave him a relaxed feeling.

Trinity looked like she was ready to forgive him. After that they would share a glass of wine together while they joked about the work like the normally do. Brian would shamelessly, but harmlessly, flirt and Trinity would politely decline his proposals before shooting him out the door right before curfew.

Trinity gave him one last look.

"Get out."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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