7. Heat of the moment

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A/N:  Characters aren't mine, I only claim my music and my Twizzler obsession. Hehe don't mind me, I have Journey blasting! On to the story! Might be a little OOC for Faith but oh well, wanted her to have some fun for once.

By the time Dean pulled up at Buffy’s, he was eager to have some fun and enjoy the snow with his brother. He got out before waiting for the car to shut off all the way, almost forgetting to pull the parking brake in his rush. He jogged up the steps and knocked once on the door before pulling it open and calling for Sammy. He heard voices in one of the other rooms and headed in that direction, surprised to see that Buffy had returned and she gave him a warm smile. Dean went right up to his brother and put him in a headlock and led him out the door, calling a hello and a goodbye to the Summers’ women and Faith.

“Excuse us, but we have a family tradition to take part in!” Dean yelled and he gave his brother a noogie of affection. He heard Buffy and Faith following and turned to them, still leading his brother outside. “Wanna have a snowball war? Boys against girls?” Dean asked, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

Faith and Buffy shared a look and both grinned, nodding enthusiastically. They grabbed their coats and winter clothes, following the Winchester’s outside. They huddled on the porch for a moment, adjusting to the chilly air.

“You chicks are totally going down!” Dean crowed and Buffy rolled her eyes at him, he darted off the porch and around to the side of the house, scooping up a handful of snow as he went. It was damned cold and made his fingers sting but he ignored it, packing the snow and he slipped into a crouch when he heard footsteps.

He waited in silence until he saw a head of brown hair pass by, then jumped out and threw the snowball at her but Faith ducked and threw her own. He barely dodged it by rolling, getting snow under the collar of his shirt. He cursed at the cold moisture and threw another handful at her and this time his lob hit her coat. She grinned and tossed a handful at his face and he blinked as snow covered his eyebrows. She busted out laughing and took off around to the back. He smiled back and bent to grab another handful, he yelped and straightened as a ball of snow smacked him square on the behind. He heard snickers and spun to see Buffy covering her mouth with her hand as she giggled.

He stalked toward her and pinned her against the side of the house, capturing her mouth in a fiery kiss that could have melted the snow in his hand. When they were both sufficiently dizzy from the kiss, he dropped the snowball in his hand onto her head and took off again as she sputtered. He saw Sam and Faith throwing snowballs at each other when he rounded the house and watched them for a moment. Sammy had the biggest grin on his face and he was clearly having a blast, and Faith was laughing as Sam shook the snow out of his hair from the snowball she’d just nailed him with.

He almost forgot about Buffy until she crept up behind him and dropped a small handful down the back of his shirt and tried to run off, giggling. He caught her by the crook of the elbow and bent down to one side, scooping up and throwing a glob of snow at her. She dodged and he jumped on her, wrestling her to the ground as they tried to pin each other and throw snow in the other’s faces.

She was breathless with laughter by the time he finally managed to pin her to the cold ground, and he smirked in triumph. His eyes were smoldering with heat as he drank in the sound of her laughter and the pure joy on her face. He didn’t hear Faith approaching until a snowball struck him in the back of the head and he shook it off, turning to glare at her while Buffy erupted into another fit of giggles. He saw Sam bent over, laughing at him too and that Faith was holding her side in hysterics. He got off Buffy and threw a handful at Sam, forgetting that it was supposed to be him and his brother against the girls which started an all out war between the four of them.

Breathless and thoroughly exhausted sometime later, Buffy and Dean sat on the porch and watched Sam and Faith still messing around in the snow. Buffy leaned her head on his shoulder with a happy smile and laced her hand with his. He laughed as he watched Sam jump up; howling from the cold snow when he’d tried to make a snow angel in, forgetting he was in only a thin layer of clothing. Buffy chuckled and watched as Faith teased him mercilessly and they had a mini-war of their own. She hadn’t seen Faith having this much fun doing something that wasn’t Slaying and it was nice that she was enjoying the time with her friends. Dean brushed a light kiss over her hair, inhaling her shampoo and closing his eyes. This was home: right here with her, this was where he belonged.

Dean noticed that his brother was getting red and shivering and decided to call it a night and go inside. He whistled for Sammy and the two trudged along the snow, still grinning. They all trooped inside after dusting and kicking the snow off their boots. Faith jumped onto Sam’s back and Buffy shrugged before hopping onto Dean’s who emitted a grunt and caught her.

He carried the giggling Slayer into the Living Room to the couch, where he deposited her upon it. She bounced upon impact and watched as Sam did the same to Faith. Dean peeled off his jacket and draped it over the banister of the stairs, shaking his soggy shirt out. Sam followed his example and the guys traded insults and jokes.

“Well, we better get going; we had a lot of fun.” Dean stated finally with some regret. He grabbed his coat and folded it over his arm and turned back to the girls. “Faith, you need a ride anywhere?”

“You’re going already? You’ll miss Christmas Day dinner, and mom really wanted you guys here, besides you haven’t opened your gifts!” Buffy objected and Dean laughed.

“No princess, I meant we should get back to our room, we’ll be back tomorrow for dinner.” Dean answered and she blushed. He glanced over at Faith who nodded and got to her feet, going to grab her coat, she waited at the door. Sam gave Buffy a hug and led the way to the Impala, Faith hot on his heels. Dean looked at Buffy for a long moment, reluctant to tear himself away from her even though he knew he’d see her again the next day.

“Dean, we’re okay again, right?” Buffy asked uncertainly, twisting her hands together. He blanched when he remembered what had happened the night before and gazed into the fire, thinking it over.

It seemed like they did this a lot, fight because of something she didn’t- wouldn’t- tell him and then he’d refuse to help only to turn his ass around and bail her out anyway. Then they’d joke around or something and she’d be asking if they were okay again. He was getting tired of this game with her but he was damned if he could make himself stop playing. He needed those happy moments with her like he needed air; he was starving for a taste of her if he went without for too long. He felt like a junkie and while it was an annoying feeling, he honestly didn’t mind. Yep, he was so screwed.

“Yeah, we’re okay.” He answered finally, his voice quiet as he struggled with the words on the tip of his tongue that desperately wanted to come out. “It’s…um…getting late. I should get Faith home. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?”

She nodded and watched him wrestle with himself for another minute before letting out a string of curses and reaching her in two strides. He placed his hands on her shoulders and seized her mouth in a kiss as passionate as they one they’d shared outside while he cursed his lack of control.

He willed her to see the words that kept getting caught in his throat, to know exactly what she meant to him, to fully understand the depth of his emotions for her. His tongue lashed with hers and she let out a gasp when he forced himself away. He struggled for breath as his heart beat a million times a minute. He brushed a light kiss across her forehead and her nose and whispered goodbye. He turned and was gone before she had a chance to react, and she brought her hand to her lips to touch her fingertips to them, convinced the fire in his kiss had melted them off.

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