2. Blast from the past

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A/N: Characters belong to their creators, some content belongs to Twiz.tv. This story probably won't be very long but there will be some angst, some humor and just maybe some smoochies!

Dublin, Ireland, 1838:

It's around Christmas and snow litters the ground as people in the streets bustle, dressed in warm cloaks. A carriage passed and behind it a young man hurriedly walked along the street, glancing behind him constantly as if to see if he's being followed.

A choir group is singing 'Silent Night', but none of the street patrons pay them any mind. As he reached a crowded area he pushed his way through the people, ignoring the comments on his rudeness. Suddenly, a pair of arms reached out from an alleyway and pulled him in, throwing him onto the snow-covered cobblestones. He looked up to see who his aggressor is, and found Angelus standing over him, game face on.

“Daniel. Where were you going?” Angelus taunted the young man.

“You! You're not human.” Daniel replied fearfully.

“Not of late, no.”

“Wh-what do you want?” Daniel begged and Angelus grinned agreeably.

“Well, it happens that I'm hungry, Daniel, and seeing as that you're somewhat in me debt...” Angelus told the frightened young man.

“Please, I can't!”

“A man playing at cards should have a natural intelligence or a great deal of money, and you're sadly lacking in both.”Angelus answered as Daniel tried to get up and flee, but Angelus seized him by the coat and gave a guttural roar. “So I take me winnings me own way.”

“The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures...” Daniel prayed, turning a terrified gaze to the sky.

“Daniel, be of good cheer. It's Christmas!” Angelus interrupted before biting him violently on the neck.

Angel's bedroom:

Waking from his dream with a start, and once he realized it was only a dream, Angel sat up in bed. He decided to go for a walk and shuffled out the door into town. In the window of an audio/video store a TV was on the weather channel. “It's going to be sunny and warm with temperatures continuing in the high 70's throughout the holiday weekend. Just a little warm to light the Yule log, but it should make for a very nice Christmas.” The weatherman on the screen said, pointing to the map behind him of California.

Angel walked past the shop window at a brisk pace, and then crossed the street. He heard a group of carolers singing ‘God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen’. Angel stumbled past a Santa Claus ringing a bell, collecting money for the Salvation Army. As a passerby dropped some coins into his pot, he said merrily, “Merry Christmas!”

Angel halted when he unexpectedly ran into Buffy, who looked just as surprised, and neither said anything for a moment before Angel broke the silence. “Hi.”

“Angel...” She answered and another awkward silence began to set in. “So, are you shopping?” She asked finally before realizing how silly that sounded. “You're probably not shopping.”

“I couldn't sleep.” He answered.

“Vampires are probably not that big on Christmas, now that I think about it.” She said awkwardly, not sure what to comment about his lack-of-sleep thing.

“Not as a rule,” he offered with a half smile.

“But you're good?”

“I'm, I'm alright. You?”

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