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Kylie POV

I walk up to him and he stares at me for a sec and smiles, I fake smile at him and stand beside him posing for a pic.

I pull away and look at him , and he stares at me too , I start walking away to Stass.

"Well thank god, now thats done, lets go to our spots" I told Stass.

She stops me, "Wait, a security I calling you look. She points off to the distance.
I turn look at him as he walks towards me.

"Mr. Bieber would love for you and your friend to go backstage, if you guys want." I look at Stass, as she nods! and I turn back at him.

"Uh no tha- " Stass interupts.

"We would love too, thank you!" He nods and starts leading us back stage.

As we walk I pull Stass towards me. "What the hell is your problem, I don't wanna spend time back stage with Bieber" I said angrily in a low voice where only she can hear me.

"Im sorry, I just really am loving this right now!" She said.

We enter a nice room with arcade games and a place to chill, and nice view of the stage where Bieber is gonna perform.

"Here you guys will chill while Mr. Bieber is performing, enjoy" He said and walks away, leaving me and Stass alone.

"Omg, this is sooo cool!" She said looking around and seeing the whole fans outside of the window.

"Well, as long we have some where chill to be while he performs" Stass says.

I walk up to the games, "Ima play this while he does his job" I said and I hear Stass growl.

"Why can't you Just have fun, you have to be so like this, I mean can't you just enjoy it one bit, I mean you hate him so much and you used to call him your own boyfriend, you would steal your mothers wedding ring, and say that your married to him, like you don't even say his name anymore, all you call him is 'Biebs' 'Bieber' thats it, like why do you hate him so much?" She said.

"Because-" the door opens revealing, the one and only, Bieber.

"Hello there" He said walking in. I stare at him and fake smile again then sit down on the couch, not saying hi back.

"What are your names?" He questions.

"Im Anastasia, this is my bestfriend Kylie" He turns towards me and smile at me and gets closer.

"Hi there" He pulls his hand out so I can shake it. I look at him and stand up.

"Why did you randomly bring us back stage huh?

"Well because I fiund you two , nice and chill" He said.

I chuckle "Well tbh, I prefer being out there than in here" I said , walking out of the room and started walking out of the building.

I waited for Stass, every person from the concert started heading out of the building, finally I see Stass.

"Finally, lets go" I said and she doesn't even look at me , she walks towards her car.

Inside the Car...

I turn to face Stass, she hasn't even stared at me. "Well how was the concert?"

She doesn't respond. "Hello?" I said putting my hand on her shoulder and started shaking her.

"Stop, you gonna make me crash" She said.

"Okay, sorry" I said facing back to the road.

"But why aren't you talking to me?" I questioned.

"Well because you embarressed me" She said facing towards me.

"I did?" I turn towards her.

"You were so right, you should've not fucken come with me cause why should I take someone who apparently hates a celebrity so fucken much and decides to yell at him, that's embarrassing Kylie, he's my favorite celeb and this is the first time ever, that, that happens to me, it was the best experience to win tickets, finding out their meet & greet, Justin making us be in the best seats for a fucken concert, for me and YOU, but you decide to fucken yell at him and from what you did, Scooter, his manager heard you yell and decided to put me back to my normal spot, yoh ruined it!" She said, she parks the car and turns it off.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"No, not sorry, just dont fucken talk to me, I don't think your are actually a good bestfriend, your just a bestfriend that decided to ruin my life, I should've just invited Jordan, because your just a fucken bitch" She said exiting out. the car.

"Lock it when you get it" She said throwing the keys to me and slamming the car door as she exits out.

I look at her walk away.


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