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Kylie POV

I was inside the car still, I look down at her purse and there was a paper sticking out, it looked interesting.

I open it, seeing a phone # and it said Bieber's name. I sigh and look out from the car.

I reach for my phone from my bag and decide to call him.


I hear his voice.

Uh hey, it's Kylie, from tonight's concert.

Oh, huh, hey there, whats up?

Can we meet up somewhere, I mean if you want, I'm not pressuring you.

Sure, Ill send you the address, to my hotel.

Alright thanks, see you in 10

I hang up.


I walk down tha hallway and search for his number. "Alright here it is" I said and I knock.

The door opens, revealing Biebs.

"Hey" He says and I smile.

"Hi" I said.

"Can I come in?" He nods and opens the door wider so I can come in.

I walk inside and look around. "Nice place" I said.

"Well yeah, had to get a nice room you know?" I chuckle and turn, facing him.

"So why, did you wanna come over?" He questioned.

"I'm sorry about tonight, I just have to be honest, I'm not a fan at all" He laughs.

"Its fine, your not the first" He said walking to the kitchen.

"Wan't something to drink?" He said.

"Uh yeah, some water please" He grabs some water and pours it in a cup with ice.

"Yeah, Stass, yelled at me in the car, calling me a bitch and said very mean things." He walks towards me with two cups of water and gives me one.

"Damn, well you should apologize" He said.

"I was but, she's just very pissed" I said and he looks down.

"Uh, how long are you staying here?" I asked him.

"Uh, Im staying in this hotel till tomorrow and then I'm going back to my house, its like 5 minutes away from here" He said.

"Oh you live here in LA?" He nods taking a sip from his water.

"Yup, for a while now, I'm gonna be in a long break from tour, I don't know when I resume but, I don't care cause I need my rest." I laugh.

"Well, can I sleep here tonight, I really don't wanna go back where Stass is gonna be hella pissed at me and saying more rude things." He nods.

"Yeah there's no problem, you can sleep on the bed, Ill sleep here on the couch." he said , standing up grabbing some blankets.

"Oh, no, you don't have to do that, I can sleep on the couch." I said standing up.

"No , there's no problem, sleep on the bed , I'm fine here, plus the couch is very confortable." I nod.

"You can't sleep in a dress, want some shorts?" I nod.

Next Day...

I wake up with the smell of bacon running through my nose, making me wake up with hunger. I sit up on the bed and look at my phone with texts a missed calls from Stass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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