So I was tagged by _strangerthing . Thanks for tagging me!! So let's go to the tag now.....
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#1. Post a picture of your favourite cartoon character: Tho I'm 13 years I still like this character. I'm very childish 😜 Ok I like Doraemon. It's a Indian cartoon character. It has many gadgets which I like and the special thing is there's a TIME MACHINE with him!!! Ok I better post the picture....
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And even Hello Kitty!
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So these are my two favourite cartoon characters 👆🏻. Hehe next question... #2. What's something you like that you find it embarrassing: I wish I had Doraemon cuz he has many gadgets and they're very useful. But everyone in my class thinks it's childish 😜. #3. Dream hair colour: It would be blue. Idk y but I like if my hair was blue.😂 #4. Give your fantasy;something you dream to happen. You can include fictional themes and characters: Hmm.....lemme think....... I want a dream house filled with flowers with no factories around and only greenery around me. I would love a waterfall beside it. I just want pure nature around me. And no bad things in this world and I want everyone to be happy. And I also wanna meet my celeb crush!! DONE! Now for tagging time..... Midnight_Freddy Hope27Music Titania_Erza_Scarlet KawaiiLucy16 KawaiiCrystal365 Pinkrosesalsay _strangerthing (u do your own tag now!😜) Ok this is enough! And THANK YOU for the tag _strangerthing ! I really enjoyed it!! Thx for the amazing votes and views and also FOLLOWS!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MEET YA IN THE NEXT CHAPPIE!! SEE YA!! ADIOS!!