Secret Kisses

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"Niall," Harry whisper-yelled from where he was half hanging out of his bunk to get closer to Niall's.

"Hm," Niall mumbled in response, too interested in his book to properly response.

"Psst, you wanna come over?" Harry suggested, still whispering because the other boys were probably asleep in their bunks.

"Harry, I'm right across from you. I am trying to read a book, by the way," Niall sighed, his eyes still focused on the words in front of him.

"Please, babe," Harry pouted, he just wanted some time with his boyfriend without his friends watching them every move.

"I almost finished my book," Niall completely ignored Harry's pouty lips and continued to read.

"But I want you here now," Harry sighed dramatically.

Niall sighed, getting more and more annoyed. "Why? Am I not close enough yet?"

"God, Niall! Just get over there and kiss him," Louis sleepy voice came from the bunk beneath Harry. "I can't sleep with Harry practically drooling over you."

Harry blushed crimson and crawled back in his bunk, closing the curtain in defeat, turning his back towards Niall. He assumed Niall had returned to reading when it became silent on the bus again. He closed his eyes and sighed, wrapping his own arms around himself.

"Baby..." A soft hand was placed on his back, a very familiar hand.

"Hey," Niall climbed in Harry's bunk and awkwardly shuffled under the covers. "I'm here now."

"Did you finish your book?" Harry asked sadly, feeling rejected.

"I don't care about my book, you are the most important thing in my life and I'm sorry for being such a jerk," Niall said all in one breath while Harry turned around to bury his face in Niall's chest.

"You are forgiven," he smiled. "Almost."

"What do you want me to do?" Niall grinned, already knowing what was coming.

"Kiss me."

So that's what he did, Harry curled against him and their fingers entwined.

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