Chapter 1

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"I have no recollection of ever agreeing with this, Ange." Dr. Temperance Brennan stood in her living room, regarding her best friend, as said friend dropped a small duffel bag next to the couch.

"Of course you did, sweetie. Remember? I asked you last night if you were going out Saturday night, you said no and I told you I'd drop by to keep you company."

"I really don't remember that," the anthropologist replied, shaking her head in acceptance nonetheless. She didn't mind having her best friend over really. It felt nice to have someone caring whether she was alone or not, and she loved Angela for that, even though lately her friend had been focused on Jack Hodgins and the quest for the mysterious husband.

"It doesn't matter." The artist waved it off with a smile. "Besides you were reading some reports at the time. I doubt you paid any attention to any of us".

"Any of us? Who else was there?"

Angela winced at the question and smiled in what appeared to be an appeasing manner. "Well... Jack came in and asked what we were planning, and I said we'd stay in and watch a movie or two on your new TV so he asked if he'd be welcome. Tell me you remember agreeing to that at least?"

Temperance's eyes widened incredulously. "I did?"

"Yeah. We said we'd make a night out of it." Angela smiled apologetically.

"Angela, I'm not sure how I fit in the equation. You and Hodgins..."

The artist looked away before replying. "Yes... uhm... that's how Zach came into the picture?"

"Zach?" Temperance's mind had seemingly stopped processing the information now given to her.

"Its okay, Bren. Really. We can sit on the couch and the boys on the floor. It will be nice. Unless we're not welcome." Angela's smile dropped off her face at the last words.

Temperance looked at her smiling slightly. "That's ridiculous, Ange. Anyway, what's with the duffel bag?" she asked moving over to sit on the couch and dragging a smiling Angela long.

"Well," her friend paused, looking at Temperance mischievously. "I thought we could make a sleepover out of this."

Temperance's eyes widened even more. "We're not sixteen, Ange," she retorted now laughing nervously. Where would all of them sleep?

"No, we're not. At least not age-wise, but think about it, Bren. It will be so much fun. We can just forget about being squints for a night and just be ourselves. Just friends having fun."

The smile on Brennan's lips was now genuine. "Yes, I guess it will be," she replied, thinking of how Booth once told her that they were a kind of family. At that she started, feeling slightly guilty. "Shouldn't we call Booth, too?"

"Of course we can, if you want to," Angela replied with a small grin. "We're all a team right?"

Yes, they were, but even so the next question came out slightly forced. "And Cam?" She liked the pathologist, of course, but the bond she had with the rest of the team and Booth was much, much stronger than the one they had forged with Cam, only in the last year.

"Why don't we call them and see?" Angela suggested. "The boys will be here in half an hour or so. Are you sure you have enough beds for all of us?"

"Yeah. There's the king-sized bed in my room, and the guest room has another queen-sized...there's the couch. I guess if all of us are here, someone will have to sleep on the floor."

"Or, we can all sleep on the floor. That'd be like summer camp... well barring the midnight panty raids and the groping in the dark. Though we could manage some groping."

"Ange!" Temperance laughed as she stood. "It's not logical to sleep on the floor when we have perfectly good beds. I'll go call Booth and Cam and see what they say." She felt irrationally excited at the turn her night had taken. She had never participated in a sleep over before, especially because of her difficult teen years and the prospect of spending an evening with friends having fun now felt extremely nice.

Heading over to the phone she heard her best friend rummaging through her duffel bag. "I brought some movies, but nothing too girly. I figured the guys would whine, not to mention you."

"That's fine," she replied absently dialling Booth. He picked it up after the third ring.


"Hey, Booth," she greeted him casually, feeling her heartbeat going up a notch at what she was about to ask him. She wasn't sure he would sacrifice his Saturday night to the squints, as he could them, and she thought that somehow it would hurt if he rejected their invitation.

"Bones? What's up? Anything new on the case?"

"It's Saturday, Booth. I'm home," she cringed at the sarcasm in her voice, knowing what was coming next. She had set herself up for that one.

"Gee, I forgot I was talking to the one person that never works on Saturdays," came his teasing reply.

Sighing in exasperation she smiled and replied nonetheless. "Okay, fine. I'm not calling you about the case." She paused and took a deep breath. "Apparently Angela invited herself over yesterday, and I agreed."


"Yes, I wasn't paying much attention. The point is... well, have you got plans for tonight?"

"It's nine thirty, Bones. If I had plans I would already be out. As it is, you called my home number." She could hear the smile in his voice.

"I just called to ask you if you wanted to come over, too. Angela arranged a... sleepover and Hodgins and Zach are on their way over so..."

His laughter echoed through the receiver. "So all you squints are getting together? Nice! It will be just like Science Camp."

"We'll watch movies, Booth. Now do you want to come or not?" she asked angrily, nevertheless holding her breath while she waited for his reply.

A couple of seconds went by before he finally gave it. "Sure. I'll be over in fifteen."

She smiled at his easy tone, said goodbye and disconnected. She wasn't exactly sure why she was even more excited now but she accepted it anyway. Picking up her cell phone she dialled Cam's number and waited.


"Hey, Cam?"

"Dr. Brennan. Is there anything wrong?" the pathologist asked, concern evident in her voice. She probably thought there was a new case or an emergency in the lab.

"No, nothing. I was just wondering, do you have any plans for tonight?"

"Plans. Uhm, no I suppose not. I was going to dinner with a colleague and he cancelled last minute."

Brennan fought a wince but plunged on bravely. She still felt slightly uncomfortable about inviting Cam. "We're all getting together at my house after Angela's urging, which I had no idea of until a few minutes ago so..."

"Is there a plan for the evening or just hanging out in general?" Cam's reply sounded somewhat amazed and certainly curious.

"No plan. Hodgins, Zach and Booth are on their way. Angela's idea was that we'd all sleep here afterwards."

"Like a slumber party?" The question was accompanied by a slight chuckle and Temperance found herself smiling in return.

"Yes, like that. It's supposed to be fun."

"I'm sure it will be. Okay, give me half an hour and I'll be there."

After giving her address to Cam, Temperance hung up still smiling. It wasn't so bad after all. Now she only had to make sure they'd have everything they needed.

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