Chapter 3

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"No!" The reply came loud and decisive from everyone around the artist, making her pout.

"Aw, come on guys. It'll be fun! We can get to know things about each other that normally wouldn't come up in every day conversation."

"My point exactly!" Cam exclaimed, stealing a glance at Booth. Noticing the brief movement, Temperance felt a pang of jealousy, which quickly turned into irritation. She fumed; God I hate that bitch. Just because she use to have sex with Booth doesn't mean that he is hers anymore!!

Temperance jumped up, "I need a bit more to drink who's with me?" None of her friends seemed to hear her, so she walked into her kitchen, grabbing her unopened bottle of 'Jose Cuervo' and drained the bottle before her 'friends' finished their argument about the game.

"Look, we can play it differently so we can all be happy. We don't have to get a bottle. Only one of us each time can ask everyone else the questions and then when we all have our turn, someone else takes over."

The small wave of anger that had swept over Temperance before, had softened her resolved somewhat, and this new turn Angela brought to her idea waived her even more. "So, for instance, Zach can start by posing the question to each of us and when he's done hypothetically Cam takes over?"


"Bones, don't tell me you're even considering this!" Booth asked with a weary tone, and her irritation grew once more.

"Well, why not? Though I have played the game before, I think it would be nice to learn things about each other. Could be fun." She shrugged feigning innocence. Not quite knowing where this masochistic streak came from, Brennan somehow knew that she needed to know things about Booth and Cam's relationship that she couldn't otherwise find out. Were they over? And why did she care either way? Thinking of that while her friends continued to argue with Angela, she missed the look on the artist's face when one by one, all of them started wavering in their previous decision.

"Alright! So, who goes first?"

"Dr. Brennan?" Jack asked, picking the safest person besides Zach who had a chance at not getting boring.

"Yes, Dr. Hodgins?"

"Right, the rules. Temperance, wanna go first?"

"Hey, speaking of rules, why aren't you in your pjs, Bones?" Booth asked playfully, tugging at her hair again.

"Stop that! I just forgot!"

"Well, off you go!" He nudged her forward slightly.

"Oh, come on, Booth, its okay. She can change later...unless you really want to see her in something more...comfortable." The glint in Angela's eyes told him this was a trick question, but he couldn't really pinpoint where she was going with this.

"Angela!" He settled with his usual tone of reprimand. "Fine, she can stay as she is, but it's not fair, just so you know."

"Not fair to whom, handsome? Your libido?" Angela widened her eyes and batted her eyelashes at the glare she received. "Fine, okay. I say we let Jack go first."

At everyone's nods, Hodgins rubbed his hands together sitting up straighter in the couch. "Ladies and gentlemen, you're so going down."

"Yeah, yeah, just keep it PG, Hodgins. I meant...Jack." Booth corrected himself after having Angela roll her eyes at him.

"Rules say nothing about PG, G-man!" The entomologist exclaimed happily, making Booth turn and look incredulously at Angela.

"It's true, honey. Live with it. Just sit back and enjoy it."

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