4 - The Job

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I opened my eyes.

Today was the day. The day I went out with four people who were all off their nut, to rob a bunch of bank robbers. It was bound to be interesting at the least, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to it.

My phone buzzed against my coffee table and I picked it up wearily, yawning as I flipped it open. It was a text:

Gud luck 2day man! Don't get urself killed!


I rolled my eyes, putting my phone back down and lighting up my first cigarette of what was bound to be a very long day.

Solomon was my boss for this job, and he was paying us well, so I was inclined to do whatever the guy wanted, but I couldn't help but wonder how he thought everything was going to run smoothly when the five of us that were working together were all complete strangers. We'd never spoken to each other, never been in the same room for more than an hour. Heck, I didn't even know who was driving us to the Maria bank, or how we were going to get there.

I checked the time. 11 AM. 2 hours until I needed to be outside the Observatory. I exhaled, watching the smoke as it spilled from my mouth and nose. My mom always hated it when people smoked, said they were asking to get cancer or whatever. But my mom was dead and I was alive, and that was enough for me to carry on smoking.

I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans that were slightly too tight around my legs, a navy blue hoodie, and my beloved black leather jacket over the top. A packet of cigarettes sat comfortably in my pocket, my phone sat in the other. There was just one small detail that was missing.

I stalked over to the other side of the room, where there was an immaculate large glass case sitting there silently, covered by a red sheet. The glass case was pretty much the only thing in the house that I took care of, except for my vinyl.

I pulled the sheet off to reveal the case in all its glory. Inside were over fifty knives, all of them different, all of them ridiculously expensive and beautiful.

California clip, switchblade, razor, stiletto, fixation bowie, machete.

In the end, I settled for one of my favorites: A Gerber 06995 Silver Trident. Double edged, 6-inch blade, chemical resistant piece of perfection. The knife was William Harsey's brainchild, the genius helped to develop the most technically advanced handle on any combat knife ever made. It was a masterpiece.

I slipped the knife into a holder I had specially made on my back and chose another, plainer knife for good measure. I always carried two with me wherever I went, both because it was good to have a backup, but I also enjoyed fighting with a knife in each hand. I felt kinda badass, and I knew I looked cool because I was good at my craft.

I slipped on a pair of dark brown brogue boots and then I was ready to go and make myself some money.

I stepped out into the morning air and put my headphones in either ear. I selected SQURL's 'I'm So Lonesome' from my iPod and let it play. I didn't really like modern technology, hence my vinyl and my Motorola, but my iPod was a necessary evil. The sound of rush hour traffic and mothers yelling at their kids and phones ringing and businessmen yelling at people to walk faster would drive me to the brink of insanity before I got to The Observatory.

By the time I arrived, everyone else was already outside waiting, including Solomon. I checked my watch. It was only 12:58.

"Nice of you to show up" the kid with the green eyes, code named 'Scout' scowled at me.

"I'm on time, brat" I glared.

I scanned my surroundings. Of course Solomon was there, and Scout, 'The Commander' was leaning against the building with his arms crossed, Zoe was smiling and whistling...and then there was her.

Cassandra Fiennes-Whatever the fuck her name was, had turned up in a pastel pink bomber jacket with a matching pink Tutu that looked like it had been stolen from a kid's party store. Her long hair was curly and huge, and to complete the look, she wore a choker around her neck with five metal letters hanging from it that read: DADDY.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" I asked, completely taken aback and starting to get pissed off already.

"Who? Me?" Cassandra replied innocently, her weird eyes locking with mine. "I think it's cute, don't you?"


The blonde girl simply giggled and held out a small, pale hand. "I'm Cassandra Fiennes-Talbot. I don't believe we've met"

I ignored her hand. "I'm Shiv."

Cassandra took a few steps closer so that she was looking directly up at me, I stared into her eyes, one icy blue, one emerald green. It was kind of pretty...in a sinister sort of way.

"Shiv?" She smiled. "What a funny name"

"Aren't you going to take any of this seriously?" I demanded.

The girl spun around and walked away. "Why should I?"

"You might get killed out there today. You won't be laughing when that happens"

Cassandra just turned her head back towards me and looked me straight in the eye. I'm not sure why, but her glare gave me goosebumps.

"I could do this job blindfolded and no one would so much as lay a finger on me" she smirked. "But maybe you're a little out of your depth? You can still bail if you want"

I glared at her. I had already decided that I hated her guts and I wanted to poke her pretty little eyes out. "You don't know me" I scowled. "I could cut you down in a second?"

She batted her eyelashes. "Is that a challenge I hear?"

"Ladies...please" The Commander stepped forward. "Don't we have a job to do?"

Solomon cleared his throat. "Your ride is in the garage round the back of the observatory. Who's driving?"

"I'll drive" Zoe said happily.

Solomon nodded. "Okay. Any questions?"

At this, there was only silence between us, apart from the sound of Cassandra blowing bubbles with the chunk of bright pink bubble gum residing in her annoying mouth.

"Good luck out there" Solomon said. "And don't get killed"

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