5 - Pink Gilboa

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The five of us walked over to the garage and got into the car Solomon had arranged for us. It turned out to be a Chevrolet spark that came in an ugly metallic shade of red. Of course, the fact I thought the car was disgusting was obvious by the look on my face, so Cassandra - the bitch - clapped her hands together and giggled about how "cute" the hideous thing was.

We all piled into the car, with The Commander at the wheel (we mutually decided that Zoe shouldn't drive if we were going to get to the bank alive), myself in the passenger seat, and Scout, Zoe and Cassandra in the back.

I turned on the radio as soon as we started driving, opting for some music to drown out Cassandra's irritating voice. I played around with the frequencies before finally falling on a song I liked. The Rolling Stones' 'Sympathy for the devil' blasted out of the tiny car's speakers as we drove down the highway towards the Maria bank.

Annoyingly as soon as the song started, Cassandra started to sing. I rolled my eyes.

"Please allow me to introduce myself..." she hummed. "I'm a man of wealth and taste..."

I turned in my seat and shot her a glare. "Shut the fuck up. You're ruining the song"

Cassandra just giggled and held her hands up in mock apology. She was so fucking annoying.

After a few seconds, Cassandra seemed to have forgotten my request and carried on singing. Even Scout started to join in after a minute or two, which just annoyed me even more. I now remembered why I lived alone.

Finally, after what seemed like a year of bad singing and Scout getting all the lyrics wrong, we pulled up outside the Maria bank.

By the time we arrived at the bank it was already on lockdown but the police hadn't arrived yet. The perfect time window for us to get in, get out, and take none of the blame. The walls of the bank were glass in some spots, and you could see that the gang inside had taken hostages. They were armed to the teeth, but I could see the bags of money they were clutching in their hands and I knew it was worth it. The gang had already done all the dirty work for us. All we had to do was take all their earnings away from them.

"This is gonna be so much fun" I heard Cassandra say excitedly under her breath.

I turned around in my seat. "Weapons?" I asked.

Scout held up a shotgun he had been holding on his lap. I nodded. Zoe held up a baseball bat that was standing up on the floor of the small car. I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Zoe said, acting mock-offended. "It's no fun if it's over in a second"

I looked at Cassandra and she shot me a sickly sweet smile that made me want to punch her in her pretty face. "My stuff is in the boot" she winked.

I averted my eyes over to the Commander and he just held up his - huge - hands. "These are all I need" he grunted.

I decided not to question him.

"Let's go" the Commander said.

We all unanimously got out of the car and closed the doors. Cassandra skipped over to the boot whilst the rest of us made our way towards the bank. The doors were heavily guarded by members of the gang attempting to rob the bank, so we just walked straight up to one of the glass walls and Scout fired at it when we were close enough, shattering the glass and allowing us entry.

Of course, the entrance wasn't very tactical or quiet, but it's not like the cops weren't on their way to the bank already so, who cares.

"Right" Zoe announced with a grin. "Hand over the money and nobody gets hurt! Maybe"

There was a second of silence and then the entire gang dropped the bags of money in their hands and opened fire on us. The civilians they were taking hostage screamed and escaped out of security doors and fire exits, and we all took cover.

I dived under a table that had been knocked over, pressing my back against it as the gunfire went on. I pulled my beautiful knife from its place on my lower back.

My eyes widened when Cassandra appeared next to me and took cover with me. She peeked over the top of the table before nearly getting her head blown off and ducking back down again.

She shot me a smile, but I just stared.

"What's up?" she grinned.

"What the fuck are those?" I asked, directing my question towards the two Sub Machine guns she held - one in each hand.

"Gilboa SMG's..." she trailed off. "I thought-"

"I know what they are" I cut her off. "But why the fuck are they pink?"

Cassandra shrugged and smiled. "All the best things are"

With this, she stood up from our cover and opened fire on the gang of bank robbers, shooting countless rounds of bullets from both smgs at the same time. The empty bullet shells littered the floor as they fell. I wasn't about to stay under cover whilst a girl wearing a pastel pink tutu protected my ass, so I ran over to the nearest guy I could see and grabbed the muzzle of his gun, pointing it upwards to stop him from pumping me full of lead.

When he was out of bullets, I punched him in the nose, hoping that would knock him out, but I lacked brute force and instead, he stumbled back for a second before pulling a switchblade from his jacket.

At this, I just grinned. I knew this was going to end horribly for the poor man because there was no one on the planet that could beat me in a knife fight.

I spun my knife between my fingers before dodging an attack. I thrust forward, dragging the blade across his face, opening up the skin. The robber cried out as blood gushed from his wound and I just raised an eyebrow.

"Give up now and I won't kill you" I said, holding up my hands.

Instead of running like I'd hoped, the bastard tried to poke my eye out with his damn switchblade. Got pretty close to me too. If I was an ordinary guy, I'd be a goner.

"Shit" I cursed, dodging the switchblade before bringing my own knife up and slicing the robber's throat with one swift action. He fell to the ground, gurgling on blood, clutching his throat.

Once I'd finished with my guy, I looked around at the chaos still developing around me. I thought I could hear police sirens in the distance and I knew we needed to hurry it up.

The Commander was taking out a guy with his bare hands, I had to admit, I was impressed. Scout was running around grabbing bags of cash, and Zoe was beating someone else to a pulp with her baseball bat. Not a very pretty sight but whatever.

Just then, I spotted Cassandra reloading her flashy pink Sub-machine guns when one of the last of the gang approached her with a machete. She hadn't even noticed him yet, she was too busy being fucking crazy.

I cursed under my breath and ran over as fast as I could. Before I knew it, my blade was in his back and Cassandra's eyes were wide. At first, I thought she was shocked that I'd saved her life, but my heart skipped a beat when she raised a gun and pointed it at me.

What the fuck lady? I just saved your damn life!

Cassandra fired and I had no time to dodge. I thought that was the end for a second. The notorious Levi Ackerman, killed by a pretty girl in a tutu. But a second after the shot had been fired, I felt no pain, and I certainly didn't feel dead.

I looked behind me to see a gang member with a bullet hole right between his eyes. He looked at me before his expression went blank and he fell to the ground.

I looked back at Cassandra.

"I thought you were gonna shoot me" I breathed.

Cassandra just shrugged.

"You tried to save my life. And I like your hair"

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