The one with all the tears

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-May 8, 2013-

Kaitlyn's POV

I woke up later than usual this morning and I wandered out into the main part of the bus.

"Hey," I said to Taylor. She was sitting on the couch reading something on her phone. She was in sweats and a old t-shirt and she had her glasses on and hair in a messy bun. It was obvious that she had just rolled out of bed.

"Good morning," she said. I grabbed my phone and opened it to see a picture of me and Austin. My smile faded as I remembered that he left a couple days ago and wouldn't be back for almost 3 weeks.

"What's wrong," Taylor asked.

"Nothing," I said, putting my phone away.

"Kaitlyn," Taylor said, moving to sit next to me on the couch.

"It's nothing," I sighed.

"It's obviously something or you wouldn't care," Taylor said. "Is it Austin?"

"It's nothing I just miss him... a lot," I said, tears slipping out.

"I know babe," she said, wrapping her arms around me. I laid my head on her shoulder and let the tears come.

"I can't do this Tay, I can't not be with him for 3 weeks," I told her, sniffling.

"You'll get through it, I know you will," Taylor said. She pulled my legs over hers and brought my head into her chest. She rubbed my back as I cried and sniffled.

"What's wrong with me Tay?" I asked.

"You are in love," she smiled.

"It sucks," I said making both of us laugh.

"What can I do?" Taylor asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged. I thought about it and I decided to take my phone out and call him. I put the phone on face time and Taylor held it out so that it wouldn't shake from my shaking body.

"Hey Kaitlyn," he said, his tone dropping when he saw me. "Aw Kait don't cry, it breaks my heart."

"I'm sorry, I can't help it, I miss you," I said.

"I miss you too babe, but it's only two weeks and a day and then I'll see you again," he smiled.

"That's so long," I cried, nestling my head into Taylor.

"Is that Taylor?" Austin questioned. I nodded my head as Taylor brought herself onto the screen.

"Hey Austin," she half smiled.

"Hey Taylor, please take good care of my girl while I'm gone okay?" He said.

"Hey! She was my girl first! Don't you ever forget that!" Taylor said to Austin.

"Yeah, well she's mine now," Austin smirked. I smiled back as Taylor acted hurt.

"Don't worry Tay, I'll be your girl forever and always," I laughed, laying my head on her.

"Good," she said before sticking her tongue out at the screen.

Someone yelled something to Austin on the screen and he looked away before looking back at the screen. "I got to go, I'm being summoned. I'll talk to you later okay?" He said to me.

"Ok," I sighed sadly.

"Do me a favor," he said.

"What?" I asked.

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