The one with the audition

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-April 14, 2012-

"Kaitlyn wake up, today's your audition!" Taylor said excitedly.

"Oh my god, Tay," I groaned.

"Get up; we have to leave soon," she said.

"How soon?" I groaned.

"Three hours," Taylor said.

"That's not soon, Tay," I told her.

"Get up, you lazy bum," she said.

"I would, but you're sitting on the open part of my bed," I laughed.

"Oh, sorry," she laughed, standing up.

"It's all good, you stalled my getting up," I said, standing up and stretching.

"Okay, now go shower and I'll be back to help you pick an outfit," she said as I groaned. "Go go go. And don't you dare sing in the shower!"

I got into a cold shower to wake me up and I lasted a little bit longer than usual before turning the warm water on. After I washed my hair twice and my body a few times and shaved, I got out and wrapped myself in a towel as Taylor walked back into my room.

"Give me a few minutes Taylor," I said, shooing her out.

"Ok, you get two minutes," she said.

I only put on some sweats and a sports bra since I would be changing soon and started drying my hair.

"Ok I'm back!" Taylor made an entrance into my room. She walked to my closet and started going through my clothes.

"Here!" She yelled, throwing me a pair of skinny jeans that were ripped around the knee. I put them on as Taylor started throwing shirts at me.

"Taylor stop throwing shirts at me!" I yelled.

"Start putting them on," she told me.

I put the first couple shirts on and before even showing them to Taylor I decided against them. There were a few that were decent but not perfect. Finally we found the perfect one and I left it on. It was a tan jersey cut tank top. I tuckoned the front (front tuck behind the button) and left the rest out. I walked in to show Taylor and she literally freaked out.

"This is the one!" She yelled. I'm pretty sure she's more excited about this than I am. She threw me a necklace and I put it on. It was huge and it covered part of my shirt. I decided to wear some tan booties with it and I left them by my door so I wouldn't forget it.

"Ok, next step, drink," Taylor said, pulling me downstairs. She handed me a cup of lemon tea.

"Gross, I hate tea Taylor," I said, pushing it away.

"Sucks, drink it. It's good for your throats when you're going to sing," Taylor said, no sugar-coating there.

"Fine," I said. I took a sip and reluctantly shoved it down my throat. "Ew."

"Good, now next is your behavior," Taylor said.

"Taylor I'm not 4; I know how to act," I said.

"No, there is a certain behavior when you're in an audition. You must have good posture, but not so you look stuck up. See look," she demonstrated the posture.

"Like this?" I asked, trying it out.

"Good," she said. "Next is your face, always smile unless told otherwise."

"Ok," I nodded.

"Alright and your feet, always stand in some kind of dance position it makes you look professional," she said.

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