Amber Wasn't Normal

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Amber wasn't normal.

She had a special talent that she kept hidden from everyone. She was just too dangerous. Everyday she stayed in the confines of her charcoal-black room, waiting for it to all go away.

She could control fire.

When she was 5 years old, her parents had a large, grand fireplace in there mansion. And everyday, at exactly 8:00 pm, she would climb up onto the small area in front of it an look at the magnificent colors, wanting to reach out and touch them. But she knew that it would hurt if she did. So she kept a safe distance until one day she stood up and lost her balance, falling into the fire and getting severely burned.

Pulling her out of the fire, her parents rushed to the hospital and were told she would be fine. After they had gotten home, life returned to usual. Except for one small thing. Every morning, a different location each time, a handprint-shaped burn would appear on Ambers's body. They couldn't figure out why. Until one evening when they couldn't get the fire started.

Amber came up behind them and barely lifted her hand to say something when a ball of flames came out of her hands, crashing into the wood and setting it on fire. Everyone in the building stopped and looked at little amber, standing there and crying.

From that day forward, Ambers's life was never the same.

She was moved into a small room with no windows, a huge light hanging from the celling, a large bed, and a small tv to keep up on what's happening outside.

Instead of going to school, a private math tutor was brought for her. Of course, she had to wear fire protectant gear incase Amber got frustrated {which she often did}. She couldn't eat meals with her mom an dad. Although they loved her so much, they couldn't risk their safety.

So she lived in isolation for 13 years until her 18th birthday. Realizing that she had to get out at sometime, she expected this to be the perfect time to do it. So, at 10:00 pm on the dot, she pushed open the extereamly heavy door of her room and headed out to see her parents. They were sitting on the couch watching tv. When they saw her, they jumped.

"Amber" her father, Mike, said "w-what are you doing out. Is everything ok?"

Amber sighed and took a deep breath. "I want to go outside to see everything I can see. I've lived in that tiny room for too long. I-I want to experience life. But I'm not sure if I can."

Sitting down, her parents held there breath, expecting a flame to shoot out of her again. She looked at the ground and push her bright orange hair out if her face. "It would be just amazing."

Her parents looked at each other. Her mom, Carey, finally spoke. "We will consider it, ok honey?" She smiled and looked at her. "Now, head to bed. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight" she responded back. She zombiely walked back to her room and shut her huge door. Tomorrow, she thought, tomorrow will be the day.


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