y a s o t - m o u n t a i n

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Jimin: I don't know but just don't trust him because out of all the vampires here, he's the most severe one when it comes to blood.

Seoyeon: A-Arrasso b-but what did Yoongi and I do last night?

Jimin: He did what I told you and I aslo remember that he kissed you.

Seoyeon: Yoongi kissed me? That doesn't sound like him.

Jimin: He did, I just don't know why you don't remember.

Then my brother came in with a huge smile on his face.

Jihyun: Come on guys we have a lot of things to do today. Like first of all we're climbing a moutain.

I was worried because the mountain sounded really terrifying.

Jihyun: And the mountain is not dangerous at all so don't worry sis. Your face looks scared.

Seoyeon: Right oppa...

Jimin held my hand and my cheeks started to burn up so I tried to cover my face as we walked over to the others, following my brother with Jimin.

Jimin saw me do this and pulled my hands away from covering my face and gave me a really cute eye smile which made me die but in a good way.

Jimin: It's cute when you blush so don't hide your face.

Seoyeon: G-Gomawo Jiminie.

We started walking up the mountain and my brother was right, it wasn't really hard at all because it has a pathway to the top it just tiring.

Jimin ran up to Hoseok to walk with him as I looked at everyone who was ahead of me.

Seoyeon: Jimin, Hoseok, Jin, Tahyung, Namjoon, Min Byul and oppa, hmm they do look cute together. Anyway and Yoon-gi

Suddenly my eyes widened and I laid my eyes on my diary and Yoongi was reading it. How did he- Jihyun. He probably brought it when he brought my stuff for camping. The I screamed.

Seoyeon: Yah Yoongi-ah.

He turned around and smirked with a cold face.

Yoongi: What do you want? Your diary perhaps.

I started running towards him when I lost my footing which caused me to fall on the ground, hurting my knee.

Yoongi ran up to me and saw the blood oozing out. He kneeled down and randomly started licking my knee which made it hurt even more.

Seoyeon: H-Hajima it hurt's.

Yoongi: Just wait a second.

He continued licking my knee and then he stopped, looking at my knee. My knee had no cut on it anymore and Yoongi looked at me smiling a bit.

Yoongi: It worked....

Yoongi instantly fell on me, dropping the book. I knew he fainted and it made my eyes widen once again.

Seoyeon: Y-Yoongi.

He didn't respond.

Seoyeon: Yah Yoongi-ah.

He wasn't waking up. Everyone was very ahead so they couldn't hear or see us.

We weren't that far up the mountain since I was behind so I quickly decided to bring him back to camp.


When I finally brought him back to camp I put in our tent to lay down.

His face looked more pale than usual and more colder too. There was no warm water here so what can I do to make him warmer?

Seoyeon: ottoke?

Body heat. B-Body heat? Naked. Naked? It's more effective that way. Uh maybe, I guess. He doesn't have much time, balli.

I quickly took of his clothes, closing my eyes and did the same to me.

I got into the sleeping bag with  him and wrapped my hands around him embarrassed about my body.

Seoyeon: Yah Yoongi-ah, you better wake up because I'm not doing this for nothing, Arrasso?

Not a word out of his mouth. A tear fell down my eye and I bit my lip.

Seoyeon: Please wake up...

He didn't even move a bit. Why did he even heal my knee, Jimin said he was a bad person when it comes to blood but he- oh yeah there was blood on my knee and he was probably lured into it.

I was a bit tired a before i knew it, I fell asleep.


~Yoongi POV~

I woke up and Seoyeon was sleeping next to me and I felt bare. She had no clothes on and I did too which made me smile a bit.

I never knew she would be naked just to save my life. But she's also dumb cause I would of waked up anyway cause I'm a vampire and vampires can't die unless it's a dagger to the heart.

Yoongi: Pabo-Yah.

She looked cute. Then she puckered her lips and started speaking in her sleep.

Seoyeon: Please kiss me....

My eyes widened and I thought to myself. What the fuck was this girl dreaming about. I change my mind she's like so cringy as fuck than cute.

Her hand reached the back of my head pulling me closer to her lips and she whispered.

Seoyeon: Jimin...

Jimin? I moved away drom her and my thoughts took over me. Why the fuck does she like him so much and writes about him in her diary. I'm way better than him and a better kisser.

Wait, why am I even fighting about her, I'm a vampire. I can't get any closer to her than this because vampires can't have sex with humans or else they would die. That's what Namjoon told me.

Seoyeon: Yoongi, you're awake. The body heat thing worked.

Yoongi: Pabo, you didn't need to do that, I can't die, I'm a vampire remember?

Seoyeon: Oh yeah...

Yoongi: It's fine though, it's nice to know that you would do that for me.

Seoyeon: Thanks for healing me.

Yoongi: I only did it cause I care about you.

That came out wrong.

Seoyeon: C-Care about me?

Yoongi: You could say that. Can I ask you a favour?

Seoyeon: Yeah sure.

I got on top of her, trapping her and she looked shocked. I needed to get something off my chest which was bothering me.

Yoongi: Can you not talk about any guy here apart from me cause it irritates me when I hear you talk about a guy that's not me.

Seoyeon: Um o-okay...

Yoongi: And one more thing.

Seoyeon: What is it?

I leaned in closer to her bare neck and smirked.

Yoongi: I'm thirsty.

I was about to bite into her neck when we heard a voice turning our heads and I was still on top of her.

???: What are you two doing naked together, care to explain?


Sorry if this chapter sucks, I just wanted to update but hope you enjoyed it a bit though. Sorry for mistakes and pls don't forget to comment and vote any ideas.😊😀😁

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Who do you think saw them naked together?


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