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"Hey, wanna go watch a movie later?" Harry asked me, strolling into the room.

"Yeah, sure." I replied, not taking my eyes off the book I was reading.

I felt Harry's presence beside me, but focused on my book instead. That was until I felt his gaze burning into the side of my skull.

"Yes?" I questioned, turning to the side and raising an eyebrow at him playfully.

"What?" He laughed, still looking at me.

"Quit looking at me! I want to know who killed the Angels." I laughed, slapping his toned chest. It was hard, just saying.

"Can't I look at my beautiful girlfriend?" He teased, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"Go away. I want to focus on Tandoori and this murder case." I stuck my tongue out at him and returned to my book.

"Do you want to go to the theater now or later?" Harry mumbled into my skin.

"We can go now. Give me a few minutes to get ready." I replied, closing my book and getting up from the bed. My actions caused Harry to let out a soft "oomph" as his face landed onto the soft duvet.

"Sorry, baby." I apologized, kissing his cheek softly. "Now go, cause I need to change!"

"I'm perfectly fine with what you're wearing now." He smirked.

I was wearing one of his t-shirts and my underwear, just saying.

I shook my head and pushed Harry out of the room, my feet dragging on the carpet uselessly with my hands on his muscular back. He didn't budge one bit, feet planted firmly onto the carpeted floor.

Then all of a sudden, he stepped to the side, making me lose my balance and fall down.

But I never did.

Strong arms wrapped around me before I could touch the ground, lifting me up effortlessly. Harry threw me over his shoulder, making me smack his bum - which was right in front of my face, may I add.

He slapped my bum back, making me squeal and squirm in my position. He then threw me onto our bed, pinning my wrists above my head and hovering on top of me.

"Kicking me out of our room isn't proving to be very successful." He said, voice deeper and huskier than usual.

"Do you remember when we first moved in," He reminisced, leaving soft kisses on my neck. "And how we tested this very mattress?"

I blushed and turned my head to the side, mumbling a weak "stop" - making Harry laugh at my useless attempt.

"We'll finish this later." He winked playfully, leaving me very flustered and frustrated.

"Fuckin' Harry." I muttered, hearing him chuckle deeply before leaving our room.

I opened the door to my walk-in closet and was surprised to see an outfit hanging on an empty clothing rack. I walked over to it gingerly, feeling the fluffy fabric with my fingertips.

"Wear this. Love, Harry x" I read out loud, grinning to myself at his extremely sweet gesture.

I put it on, laughing at my appearance in the mirror. I looked absolutely ridiculous.

"You look amazing, as always." Harry said from behind me.

I turned around and erupted into a fit of giggles at his appearance. We were wearing matching outfits. We were one weird couple.

"Let's go, babe." He smiled, grabbing my hand and padding out of the room. We left the house, and I put the hood of my outfit up to shield against the paparazzi lurking in the bushes.

When we arrived at the movie theater, everyone was looking at us weirdly. I wasn't surprised. I could practically hear their thoughts saying "What the hell are those two wearing?".

If I saw a couple going around in a movie theater wearing bloody onesies, I would be thinking the same thing too.

"Oooh, let's watch Captain America!" I squealed, pointing at the screen excitedly.

"No, I wanna watch Will You Marry Him. It's my turn to pick the movie." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"But it's Chris Evans. Chris freaking Evans, Harry!" I said dreamily, making Harry's grip tighten around my hand.

"But you love me more, right?"

"Uh, yeah. Whatever you say. His biceps are bigger than yours, just saying."

"But, but baby -,"

"I'm just joking, Harry! Of course I love you more." I assured him, kissing his shoulder softly.

We got our tickets, every seat surprisingly taken except for two in the middle.

"Just saying, you made me look not-so-masculine over there."

"What? How?"

"You wanted an action movie... but I picked a romantic one."

"This movie must not really be popular, there's only one show for today." I frowned.

"I promise, babe, you'll love it. Well, I hope you do." Harry smiled at me, before exhaling shakily.

"You okay? We can just get this on DVD and watch it at home if you don't feel well."

"No! I mean, no. I feel fine. Just nervous for something coming up."

"Okay then... I'm here if you need me."

He brought our intertwined hands up and kissed mine, making me blush at his affection. We headed into the theater, cushioned feet padding on the floor softly.

All the seats were empty, except for six men who were scattered in every direction from the middle. There were four on each of the four corners. There was two near the middle - one near the screen and one near the back. They didn't mind me and Harry, fiddling with something either in their lap or on the floor below them.

We sat in our seats, Harry removing the barrier between us and pulling me to his side. I cuddled into him comfortably, our furry onesies adding to the coziness.

The usual trailers rolled by, and then the countdown started.

5 4 3 2 1, I counted in my mind before the theater went black.

Then the most unexpected thing happened.

Harry's face popped up on the screen - grinning widely with dimples and all, making me look up at the real Harry in disbelief.

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