The start of a friendship

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Chapter 1
"Luna wake up" I hear a deep voice say I open my eyes slowly and see Blake standing in front of me "how long was I asleep" I ask Blake in a sleepy voice "well lets see u fell asleep at 12 and it's 4 so four hours u where out" says Blake chuckling. "Hey and u did not even try to wake me up" I say playfully punching his arm, "hey I did and u keep on saying a few more minutes of sleep" he says while rolling his eyes and laughing, I crossed my arms and looked at him with my light blue eyes starring him in his greenish blue eyes. "So how's Knight" I say in a whisper not knowing if he heard me or not but he did "he's ok how's Angel doing" he says smiling, "she's ok but she has been down lately I don't know why I'm getting real scared" I say looking down."Hey maybe I can come over and bring Knight and see if him and Angel get along" he says with a smile on his face.I grab my bag and look at him in his greenish blue eyes "you can come over today if you want to and we can go ride on the trails" I say looking down at the floor, "ok I'll see u around 6" he says smiling, I return the smile and walk out of the room and down the hall to the doors I open them and the cold Autumn breeze hits my face and it makes me shiver a bit I walk to my blue Ford Mustang and get in.I put the keys in and lean back and take a deep breath "I wonder what really is wrong with Angel she was fine ever since that day when I got into that accident with my mom and dad" Tap Tap Tap................. I jump up at the sound and look over to see Blake looking at me I roll down the window and look at him, "are u ok Luna u seem so scared of things all of a sudden" he says with concern in his voice, I let out a sigh "yes I was just thinking of stuff" I say looking down at my ripped jeans."Ok I'll see u at 6 be careful Luna" he says smiling and walking to his Black Truck, I put my Ford Mustang in drive and leave the parking lot I turn on the radio and let her go came on I remember my dad singing it when he was scared of losing mom.I feel tears start to stream down my face because I lost my mom and dad to the accident I gripped the stirring wheel and pulled into my Aunts drive I got to the house and put the car in park and turned it off.I leaned back in my seat and started to cry real hard that day I was so mad at God that he let that happen to me of all people I then felt something on my shoulder I looked over and saw my Aunt Lucy she then said in her sweet voice "I know your hurting from your mom and dads deaths but God is testing your faith my child" she says "but why did he have to do it in this way I mean couldn't he of just done it in a different way" I say throw sobs "yes he could of but he chose that way for a reason Luna I know your mad at him right now but don't be" I hear her say in her calm sweet voice.I look up at her and smile a half smile I get out and shut my car door and walk over to the front door and open it I walk up the stairs to my room and shut the door,I lean on the door and slid down on the floor putting my head in my hands "God why did u want this to happen why did u take both my parents away from me"I say in a whisper I then look up and see something on my bed I get up slowly and make my way to the bed and flop down and open it.There was a white Journal that I had never seen before I opened it and to my surprise all the pages where empty,I flipped through all the pages and then something fell out it looked like a letter I opened it and started to read
Dear Luna,
I know your upset with me for taking your parents away from you,but it was their time to go and this is making you stronger in your faith.I love u and even when you make mistakes I will always love you because I'm the creator of this hole earth and I made you for a reason, just keep praying and read your bible.
"Wait I don't understand how does this make me stronger in my faith and what does he mean when he says he made me for a reason"I say in my head.My phone then lights up and I see a text from Blake.
Blake: Hey I'm on my way I'll be there in a bit I can't wait to see you.

Me: Ok I'm just getting Angel ready for the trails see you soon.

Blake: Ok I'm a few miles away now.

I run outside to the stables and grab a saddle and bridle for Angel and put it on her she neighs and pulls my hair "Angel we are just going on a ride with my best friend and his horse" I say eying her she licks my face and follows me to the barn doors.I open the barn doors and see Blake's truck and trailer I  walk over with Angel "hey Blake I can help u unload Knight if u want me to" I say smiling at him "no it's fine Luna u have Angel I can get him but thanks for the offer" he says smiling back.I start to blush and walk over to the fence I then look over and see a tall jet black stallion walk out of the trailer he lifts his head and I hear his whinny,I then hear Angel whinny back then I see them walking over to the fence "you ready Luna" Blake says I look at him and nod my head.We start on the trails and I keep on looking around I then get a cold chill like something is watching us I swing my head around but nothing was there "hey Blake do u feel like your being watched by something" I say gripping onto Angels rains tighter "yeah it must be the Holy Spirit watching us making sure we won't get hurt" he says stopping Knight and looking at me and smiling his sweet smile "yeah I guess your right" but then Angel started to get real scared and takes off I hold on for my life but then suddenly I'm on the ground in pain.I look down and see blood on my jeans I then get up and fall back down I then hear rustling noises come from the bushes I grab a stick and hold it tight in my hands.I then see two blue eyes looking at me I swallow hard and scooted back and hit my back on the tree behind me,I then see a small wolf pup come up to me and sit at my feet."Hey go little one before my horse comes back and tramples u" I say calmly to the little wolf pup,she just sits there looking me in the eyes then I hear  growls coming from the bushes I look up and see a brown wolf staring me in the eyes."Hey it's ok" I say putting my hand out and I look away I then feel warm soft fur between my fingers and when I look over I see her standing there with her eyes closed and her head on my hand,I smiled "hey see I won't hurt u or your pup" I say in a calm voice.
I then heard Blake and the wolves looked at me and ran off hiding,I look over and see Blake there kneed down checking my legs he was so cute on how he had his serious face.I laughed and saw him look up "what's so funny Luna" he says as he crosses his arms "it's just cute to see u having your serious face and seeing how much u care about someone like me" I say looking down picking at my now even more ripped jeans. I hear Blake sigh and sit back "Luna your special and don't ever say that u aren't" he says as he shakes his head and gets up "hear let me help u up" he says before I can say anything he picks me up and puts me on his horse, he grabs the rains and walks Knight down the now night lit trail as we get half way he stops and looks back at me with a look of fright in his eyes, it took me awhile to say something but I finally did "B.......Blake everything o.......okay" I say stuttering a lot "no look over there Luna"as he says that I look over and see a wolf stuck in a trap and a little wolf pup trying to free his/her mom, I slide off of Knight and lean on his side I start to walk over but before I can get there Blake grabs me wrist and pulls me back and close to his chest "Luna please tell me u aren't thinking what I think u are" he says as he looks down at me with fear and concern in his eyes, I look up at him and start to cry I lean on his chest and try to talk in between sobs "please (sob) I need to help (sob) her" I say as I start to calm down a little, I then feel Blake's hand on my chin and lifting it up so I can look at him face to face "Luna do what u have to but I ask of u one thing please be careful" he says as his voice cracks. I smile at him and kiss his cheek going red as a tomato and as I started to walk closer I saw Blake blushing to as I walked up to the wolf I saw it was the wolf that I meet a few minutes ago. "Hey girl" I say as I get down, her head whips around looking me straight in the eyes, I smile a small smile and get her leg free from the trap and I wrap it up, as I get half way up she jumps up on me and licks my face she gets down and runs off with her little pup following close behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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