Chapter 17

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After Ciel found out Alois got the letter, he invited him and all his servants over. Alois arrived and saw you sitting eating your food while listening to Ciel talk- yes he was talking, about? Well that he had to sit you and Alois both down and talk serious talk. You didn't understand 'Serious talk' from 'normal talk' with Ciel but you went with it.

Alois smiled brightly as he sat next to you, you smiled and kept eating. A few minutes later you finished, so both you and Alois followed Ciel up into his study. You sat in a chair next to Alois, Alois knew exactly why he was invited.

"So..since Trancy already knew..I wanted to tell you something.." Ciel began. "Wait! T-To start can we know each other's names?" Alois bopped in, Ciel smirked and nodded. Alois smiled and turned to you taking your hands and rubbing his thumbs on yours, you smiled and blushed. "My name is Alois Trancy.." Alois said giving your hand a small squeeze, "And I'm (YourName).." You said blushing even more then you where.

Ciel chuckled and gave a sigh, "Alright since we now know all of our names, let me continue...You-" Ciel said and looked at you making direct eye contact "(YourName) Phantomhive" "And you- Alois Trancy" Ciel then moved his direct eye contact with you to Alois, "are both engaged to each other.." Ciel said. "Mother and Father made an agreement with Alois' father to engage you two into marriage once (YourName) was old enough- eighteen- to be wedded.." Ciel added and held his hands looking at you and Alois.

You gasped.

Alois clapped his hands and smiled.

"You mean-" You began, Ciel just nodded. You stood up with Alois and hugged the boy. Ciel smiled an actual smile watching Alois pick you up and spin you around. You both where happy. "Let's have a ball!" Alois said holding your hands, you nodded. "But where..?" You asked, Alois looked at Ciel who just nodded. "Here..At your home.." Alois replied kisses your forehead, you just smiled with a thin shade of red covering your cheeks.

The ball focused mainly on you and Alois. Elizabeth was so happy to see you dance with the boy, she knew deep down something would happen between you two when she saw Alois take your hand and lead you to the dance floor when Ciel had that ball in your honor of returning; and she was glad that something did. Ciel danced with Elizabeth and watched you dance with Alois, it was a habit that he did. Ever since the second dance you had with Alois.

This time he watched you dance with Alois with a happy vibe around him. He was finally happy to see you dance with Alois, saying the last few dances was him stalking you out of protection now he's just watching you dance happily. You two where a couple happily dancing.


Something you and Alois will always keep in your heart, dancing is something that brought you two together, dancing is something that helped you two bond. Alois smiled and kissed your neck which made you chuckle, of course it was out of love and not lust. No one noticed which made you chuckle more.

You did love Alois Trancy and you didn't even know his name, and he didn't even your name.

It was a no name love.

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