
15 1 4

I follow after Maris as she runs through the hallways. I have no idea how she knows where to go. I can faintly feel Cayden behind us but his presence stops being known the moment Maris runs into the woods. She never looks back as she runs. I feel the others running with us through the woods. David was in wolf form running to keep pace with us. Adrianna already shifted and Dallas was on her back as we raced through the woods.

I heard those damn pack wolves behind us following us. Cayden's rage was ebbing and making the air tense. We keep running. Maris and I didn't shift until we got onto some other pack boundaries. They couldn't cross without permission or else it was a war cry. Cayden's wolf stared at me as I turned around and kept running. I could feel his hurt and his rage combined to make the perfect storm. He howls sending shivers through me. The message is clear. 

 I haven't gotten away just yet.

I shifted into my wolf. We kept running for an hour or two until we were in unclaimed territory. As Maris and I slowed down, David closed in on us while Adrianna was already stopping. I shifted back.

"What's going on? Why did we run from them?" I asked Maris. She shook her telling me to keep quiet. We were in the woods. Maris led the group for once. I laid back watching her paw at the ground with her hands.

"Adaline, we have to disappear. " Maris started. I stared at her.

"What do you mean we have to disappear?" Adrianna started angrily. "That's what we've been doing since we got out"

Adrianna was always the most bitter of us all about what happened. She got Dallas out of our ordeal and she was constantly pushing for a normal life. Something we most likely would never have.

"I found this in my bed back at Cayden's house" Maris grabbed something from her pocket. The familiar smell made me choke. We all flinched away from it. I gingerly took whatever it was in my hand. It was a little present with a pretty red bow on it.

"I didn't open it. I figured you-" Maris started.

"Ok." I stopped her. I gently unwrapped the bow. David didn't understand as he stepped away with Dallas from it. Maris, Adrianna and I stepped closer to peer inside the box. He understood. What Maris Adrianna and I went through would stay between us. No outsiders would be welcomed.

A silver knife sat prettily in the cushioned box. There was a small little note attached to the knife. I handed Maris the box as I took the note and unfurled it.

"Adaline, my beautiful girl. It's been quite a while if I do say so myself. You were being awfully quiet considering how much you know I like to hear you scream. I was so surprised when I heard you were mated to Alpha Cayden himself. I'll see you soon my little girl. The knife is here for your safe keeping until I kill you with it. " The note read. I nearly stopped breathing.

Adrianna took it out of my hands, reading it quickly. She read it out loud so only Maris and I could hear it. David and Dallas knew better than to come any closer.

"We knew he was looking for us, but I didn't realize that-" Maris started.

"That'd he get so close. No one did." Adrianna stayed silent.

He wasn't after them though. The note was for me. I realized that they were just collateral. He was after me. 

"I think we should all split up" Adrianna finally said after moments of quiet silence. A trickle of cold betrayal filled my head.

"I don't like that idea-" Maris was interrupted.

"My son can't live this life on the run anymore. He needs to go to school and he needs a life, not just this" She stated, staring at me. She saw me as her Alpha I realized. "I'm sorry Adaline."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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