Before I Realize

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"Reports say a man, Adan Westbrook, who would have been 18 years old, turned himself into the Seer's Headquarters for a pegged clock about two weeks ago

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"Reports say a man, Adan Westbrook, who would have been 18 years old, turned himself into the Seer's Headquarters for a pegged clock about two weeks ago. Upon arrival, the Seer's severed his arm with claims of a "mercy killing" ...This is 1 out of countless deaths here in Kader since the Seer's was established 500 years ago in 2060 and people are starting to question the threat of our nation's scientis..."

15 days

It's been exactly 15 days since I've last seen Adan.

I'm human, I have emotions... but this, this is different. The past few weeks I haven't been grieving -some might put it- in the most healthy manner. I think it's just because I'm so busy taking care of everyone else, I just don't make the time to take care of myself. When I first found out, I didn't cry. I thought, I don't know, that maybe if I didn't react to his death it would somehow not be real. When I got home I locked myself in my room and hit my door until the hinges fell off. I needed to take my anger out on something, but I still didn't cry.

What does it mean to not feel anymore? To have all of your emotions turn into one so that you can't tell the difference between anger and happiness, fear and sadness? Does it make me insane? Emotions are built up, being used at the same time. It's to the point that when I want to scream I start laughing hysterically, and when I want to cry my face stays blank. I have ran out of tears.

They said it was pegged time, meaning that his time stopped. This happened before, with Leo. Adan tried to tell me all those times before but I didn't listen. If I had just listened maybe he wouldn't have...

Adan's story was all over the news. People all over Kader have their own biased opinion about his choice. Some believe what he did was stupid, others believe he did the right thing, and then there are the few who find it disgusting that the Seer's are now taking orders from a suicidal teen. I'm not in any of those categories. I'm nothing

I know Adan did it because of what happened to Leo, but Adan doesn't always have to be the hero.

My Adan.

When I was young and had first met the twins, Mr. and Mrs. Westbrook had three kids. They had the twins, Adan and Dana, and one little boy, baby Leo.

By the age of three, far before the time your fate is supposed to be checked, Richard found that Leo became extremely sick. After checking him out himself, he found the pegged time and took him into the Seer's headquarters for observation. The Seer's, aware of the incurable problem that was the start of Leo's torturing sickness, executed the problem the same way they did Adan... by removing the thing that keeps him alive, his arm. To this day, that very act of murder is used as sport, as suicide, as punishment. That very act of murder is somehow accepted as a way of life.

You know what else sucks ass about this whole thing? We didn't even get to see him. We don't have those.... What are they called? Funerals that everyone seemed to have back in the old days. Once the Seer's headquarters was established they took full control of us, dead and alive. God only know where they dumped and burned his body. Richard was the only one to actually see him. Dana and I waited outside the building for him, and by the time he came out Richard was pounding on his own head and screaming curse words at the building. Seeing his son like that changed him and I haven't seen him the same since.

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