Recruitment: Post 1

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I was very generously gifted this journal from the White Tower. It was meant to record my studies, but I have dozens of other journals for that. This I will use to document my life. I plan to be in the Brown Ajah, so my life probably won't be filled with exciting adventures. Anyone who reads this will most likely be bored or find it useless.

No matter. I shall write on. 

Though now I am an Accepted within the White Tower, I came from Andor. An Aes Sedai from the Yellow Ajah found me at one of the Dragon Reborn's schools. I was fascinated to meet an Aes Sedai in person. Their ageless faces are truly a peculiar wonder. I was flabbergasted to find that I could channel, though my ability is fairly weak. 

While the Dragon Reborn's schools were wonderful, I knew their information could not compare to the plethora of knowledge that is contained within the White Tower, and so forever the scholar, I went where the knowledge led me, excited to learn so many great things.  


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