Worse Day Ever

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Josh ran along the halls, his backpack banging against his back, his breath quickening as he ran along the halls. Everything was quiet except his panting and his sneakers hitting the cold tile. Some classroom doors opened as teachers investigated the noise in the hallway but Josh didn't even look back. He was going to be late and he didn't need to waste one second looking back at the teacher. Finally, he turned right and skidded to a halt in front of room 314.  His sweaty hand touched the cold brass knob of the door. He took one slow breath in and let it out. He closed his eyes, he had never been late before. He was known in class as, the good kid. He didn't mind, at least he didn't spend his free time after school smoking or vandalizing downtown. He turned the knob and stepped inside.

The teacher, Mr.Murphy turned around. He had been writing something on the white board. His face turned into a frown and the class went silent. Mr.Murphy had liked Josh, and every knew it. How do you not like a kid who got straight As and was never late. "I thought you were sick." Mr.Murphy said. I awkwardly shuffled my feet. "Well, I'm here now?" He said looking down. Some of the kids snickered. I gave them a glare and the snickering stopped. "Take a seat." He said in a cross tone. I sighed and walked across the room, head held low and feet shuffling. The thing is, when you get used to never getting in trouble, once you actually do, it feels like bullet ran through your heart. Ashamed, I swing my backpack over my shoulder and sit down. I kept my head on the desk as the teacher wrote down my name as tardy. It wasn't until the middle of the class that I noticed I had never put my backpack in my locker. I huffed and looked away. Today was a bad day I decided.
At lunch, I sat down at a table with all the nerds. I wasn't a nerd with glasses and buck teeth, I was just smart. Jeffrey sat next to me, his crazy red hair that stuck out everywhere hit my head and his glasses slipped off of his tiny nose as he sat down. I picked up his glasses and handed them to him. He took them and shoved them over the bridge of his nose. I smiled awkwardly and scooted away an inch. That wasn't a very good decision either, as my shoulder touched with booger boy as everyone called him. He sat there picking his boogers with one hand as his other held a text book. His eyes glued to the text book and his hand occupied with digging for gold he didn't notice me. I sighed and scooted in the middle of them. I looked through my dark black hair at all the other teenagers. He wished he was like James, who could fit into a crowd and make everybody laugh. He wished he could be like Paul who talked with all the other gamers about games. He sighed and looked at his tray. The food didn't seem appetizing at the moment so he scooted it away from him. Once the cafeteria filled up Josh began sweating. He noticed all the other kids were happily eating food and chatting with friends. None of them were sweating. He sat his head on the table, accidentally looking at booger boy who had found a big juicy one and stuck it in his mouth. He gagged and groaned. Could today get any worse?

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