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                 In the dark room in VRAINS was Revolver. He was looking at the monitor. Specter came to him saying:

- Revolver-sama... 

The dark pink with pink highlights asked:

- Did you find some informations for her, Specter?

Specter shook his head answering:

- Nothing yet, Revolver-sama... Like she disappears from the world.

Revolver squeeze his fist saying:

- I know that she's alive. I can feel it... Search more, Specter.

The white haired man bowed saying:

- Yes, Revolver-sama.

Then he left. Revolver was alone holding and looking at one old picture that there were himself and one h/c haired girl when they were younger. He sighs asking himself:

- Where are you y/n?

Y/n was already ready to go in VRAINS in order to stop the Hanoi leader, Revolver. She was hoping that she'll find more about her past and who was the man in her dream. She said:



I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

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