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       "W-what.... Where am I?" I yawn sitting up. I shiver lightly and look around. The room was dark, besides a few blinking lights.

My skin was pressed up against the metallic floors. As my eyes adjusted to the poorly lit room. I noticed a few small pieces in the room.

The small device with headphones, I assume. A small note book, pen with a small basket ball charm on it and a paper fan. On closer examination the fan had Japanese characters on them with a beautifully painted Sakura tree on it. In small red lettering at the bottom it read "Noodle."

Actually, the pen had the word "Noodle" on it as well. I shrugged it off and continued to look around. My eyes darted to some fuzzy red socks and some napkins with what looks like lyrics on them.

I sigh and look towards the door. "I doubt that it is open but... Whatever."

Standing from my spot I stumble slightly due from the cold hard floor making my muscles lock in place. I groaned stretching every muscle and herd a few concerning cracks along the way. I had no hand cuffs on anymore but the marks were there, red, some blood left from how hard I not have struggled... I picked at the blood for a moment before realizing what I got up from the... "Comfy" floor for. I wiggle the door knob and smirk at the sound of the lock.

"Of course it's locked. Why would my kidnapper leave it unlocked!!" I huff and roll my eyes.

"Damn it. Just stay calm, you'll be fine (Y/n)...there a vent...." I whisper to myself.

Before stepping over to the vent I notice the blinking red lights. Cameras... I roll my eyes and with my snarky attitude springing up I grabbed the pen and began my salty plan.

Scribbling on the piece of paper that was given I fit it into the camera lens so that it was blank. So that weather it be 2D or someone else watching the camera they'd get the damn idea! And too hide the fact of my escape.


I squint slightly at the note she wrote. "Fuck you." I hear Murdoc chuckle.

"You caught me a feisty one. Is she a good singer?"

"Uhm actually..." I trail off.

"What is it. Can she not sing? Wait a minute... This is that girl that hid you isn't it?! Why'd you bring her? Can she even sing?!" Murdoc seemed to get restless.

"I-I don't know! I though' she would be nice ta have around... I can teach 'er ta sing..."

"Ha! I see you like 'er don't cha face ache? Ya want someone to talk ta? You really think she is gonna want to talk to ya after you kidnapped 'er?! You are really a bloody moron." Murdoc chuckles smirking slightly, swinging the keys to the room she was staying in.

I frown and cross my arms. "She's fine..."


    Bang bang bang!!

I wince at every kick that hits the vent. My foot becoming sore and swollen. Tired and wanting to give up, I pull through one final, heated kick that the vent had been dented enough to pull out. I frown slightly and grab the pen. It may not be much but it could hurt being stabbed by it...

      I quickly race across the room to grab the pen, the metal making my feet slip from underneath me. A few falls later and I've made it inside the vent.

     The vent was a little tight, causing me to get almost stuck. I heard a loud creak of the heavy metal door keeping me in the room.

    "Ah love, where are you going?" A mans voice chuckles.

    My heart began to race as I slithered further into the vent. A strong grip around my ankle only made me go faster trough the vent, till I was pulled back...

    I slide my nails against the thin metal walls of the vent, trying anything to hold on tightly.

     Before no time I was pulled completely out. My eyes met with the mans eyes. He certainly was no stranger, the man being Murdoc.
       I frowned up at him and crossed my arms.

   "Don't look at me like that love, yes I did tell 2d ta find me a new singer but I didn't tell him to take you~ tell me can you sing?"

    "If I say no will you let me go?"

    "You'll just stay here and clean up~ you won't be leaving any time soon." He chuckles.

        "Please let me out. I know people who can sing really well, I'll gladly tell you and switch places with them." I beg, trying to reason with this difficult, putrid man.

     "Hm... I think we will keep you~ You seem to be a hard worker~ Oi face ache get in 'er and talk with your lovely captive." Murdoc chuckles as he begins to fix up the vent.  I took my chance and raced towards the door with the pen in hand.

      There came a long legged man, blue hair, stalking in slowly. I frown at him as he steps into the hallway. He readies his stance as he grips onto my shoulder with full force.

    Taking out the pen I jab it as hard as I can into his hand, it seemed like it almost went through! Though I know it only went as far as the tip could go. A loud scream rang through the halls as Murdoc ran from my dark captive room.

    "Oh I like this one". He chuckles. "Watch yourself there face ache! You got a strong one!"

   He frowns at him holding his bloody hand and removing the pen and tossing it to Murdoc. He placed it in his pocket. "Won't be letting you have anything like that again... Maybe we can give her a crayon or a marker... Heh."

   Scratching the back of his head he shoots a small pitiful smile.

    "You! How dare you smile at this!! I swear to-"

(Imma put author notes at the end of chapters when I did to say something cuz I hate it when people make chapters that is their author notes. And I know I know I did it in the Noodle story~

Anyways how is everyone? Well everyone that continued to read this?

Everyone have a better day than I have had. I feel like the one time every few months when I'm super happy, and just wanna love everything I can't, cuz I still seem to do things wrong? Do you ever get that?

Like fuck one time it's all cute and shit and the other it's like "k bye" idk..... I got too far into things, my friend was right. He's all like.

"Don't get attached"

And I'm like

"DoNT gEt AtTacHEd!~"

I should listen to people more cuz I can't make my own choices. Also I hurt my ankle pretty badly dancing to BTS - I NEED YOU in my basement today so like .... Yayyyy....

But I mean Gdragon concert this Saturday! Super pumped! He never fails to put a smile on my face! My one true love 💕)


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