My new baby

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Recap:you and prince have a honeymoon and talk about having kids.

You come back are now 9moths pregnant



Yn:I looking like a wale

Princeton:but you are my wale (laughing at his own joke)

Yn:haha so funny just one more week till baby Ashley comes

Princeton:(bends down to your stomach)

Princeton talking to the baby:

Princeton:hi Ashley in a week you will be born. And when you are your mommy and I are going to spoil you. Even tho I haven't meet you I already love you. Now you daddy is in a group call mindless Behavior.

I will have to leave so I can see all my fans but I will face time you, call, text, and Skype you. I can't wait for you to be born.

Yn:aww prince I got it all on camera

Princeton:I just can't belief I'm going to be a dad

Yn:and I can't belief I am going to be a mom

Princeton:we are going to make some beautiful baby's (thinking nasty)

Yn:we do (not thing nasty)

Princeton:yn I want you to meet mb new member EJ later


Princeton:I have to clear thing up with prod

Yn:what I did with prod was wrong I was mad and I will never forgive myself

Princeton:bae that was the past

Yn:I just thought you having all those fans who would kill me for this spot

Princeton:(singing all that maters to me-Justin Bieber) your all that matters to me ya at what's a king bed without a queen



Yn:you can sing

Princeton:how do you think I got into mb


Princeton:I am the whole package

Yn:and I am

Princeton:the You the more than the whole package

On week later

Your pov:I playing on Princeton's phone and he is sleeping then my water breaks

Yn:Jacob my water just broke

Princeton:stop playing

Yn:I'm not playing ahhhhhhhhhhhh the contractions are coming

Princeton:let's go to the doctor

Yn:nah we should go to the park ahhhhhhhhhh

Princeton:just come on

Yn:I can't walk I'm about to give brith

Princeton:(picks you in his car) wow you heavy

Yn:well their is Another person is side me so drive


You guys get to the doctor and prince call roc and every body (including EJ)

Doctor:push yn

Yn:ahhhhh $h!+ Hold my hand prince

Princeton:noo I am not dumb I know how my hand will look

Yn:you put this baby in me and your going to get it out


You and prince:ahhhhhhhhh

Princeton's pov :3 push later I hear my baby Ashley let out a cry

Doctor:yn and Princeton Perez hear is your baby Ashley

Yn:aww she has you hair jake

Princeton:and you eyes

Yn:hi Ashley Perez

Princeton:Ashley this is your mommy yn and I'm your daddy

Ashley smiles

Then everybody walks

AA=adult Ashley aka roc "girlfriend"

Roc:aww she looks just her mom I can't belief my two bros have kids,

AA=a little me

Star=she's going to have swag

Yn:just like her parents

Ray=man she does look like yn

Princeton:and has my hair

Their is a knock at the door

Princeton:I'll get it

???:hey prince

Princeton:hey EJ

Roc+ray:hey EJ(gives him a dap)

Princeton:Ashley and yn this is the new member of mb EJ

EJ:hi nice to meet you yn

Yn:you to

EJ:you baby is cute

Yn:thank you

EJ goes and talks to the guys star goes and gets her baby sommer who is 1moth and sommer and star are playing

Star:yn do your parent even know about you and prince

Yn:yea but they never meet him

Star:why well we had things going on but it's fixed and tomorrow we are going to see my parents and Jacobs


There is a knock at the door and prod walks though

Prod:hey yn prince

Yn:hi prod

Princeton:hey bro

Prod:I talk to you guys


Prod:I want to say sorry and I was wrong I want to put this behind of

Yn:me to prod


Prod:well can I see the baby

Yn:duh(hands prod the baby)

Prod:she look sooo cute

Princeton:thanks bro

You all stay at the doctor and talk

Author notes:just to let you know EJ in real life is in mb. So welcome EJ can't wait to hear new music. So he will know be in the book. Oh and Princeton in real life will be 18 in in 18 days in the book he is 25 and so are you so ya.keep reading!!?!

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