I'm very aware of the fact that there are many stories about the Uchiha Clan but I must say I think my idea is unique.
This is about a little girl named Akira and she was known as the Uchiha princess. Before this occurred you need to know how she was born and raised.
Akira was born weak and for this reason her father DESPISED her. It was recommended by the doctors that she NEVER became a ninja but something happened, something that changes Everything.
On Akira's third birthday she gains the sharingan. Against the recommendations, the head of the Uchiha clan ( can't spell his name and I won't try ) began to train her. This causing her to become very ill and at the doors of Death himself. Akira, not wanting to let down her family still trained despite this. The only one believing she could make it in the world as a ninja was her big brother Sasuke 'Duckbutt' Uchiha.
The rest of the story however, is in your hands.In this story, Sasuke and Akira have a close sibling bond and this may cause a change in Sasuke in regards to leaving the village.

Naruto Ideas
FanfictionI have Ideas about Naruto stories but I think I'm to awful of a writer to actually publish them so I decided that if anyone happens to stumble upon this book may use my ideas but must contact me on which Idea was taken. If you feel as though you lik...